
Showing posts from December, 2018


God is Faithful Be aware that God will make away when it seems to be no other way. Today forget about what is and trust the Lord a little more. Pray a little more. Seek him a little more. Fast a little more and see the doors open that were close.   The word of God said, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened” (Mathew 7:7-8). And there are times that all you can do is to seek the Lord presence and all things will be added and open unto to you. What are you seeking and hoping to find? Make sure you are seeking God first and he will add everything else. Be encouraged and stay blessed.


Sometimes in life, we just have to be still and know God is God. There is no one like Him, and none can compare to His Greatness. I want to encourage someone this morning that God is in your boat. Do not be afraid but stand still and see the salvation the Lord will give to you. Don’t keep your eyes on the problem but rejoice in the Lord. Know that He is faithful and will do what He promises. Make a joyful shout to the Lord, [a]all you lands! 2 Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before His presence with singing. 3 Know that the Lord, He is God; It is He who has made us, and [b]not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. 4 Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. 5 For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations (Psalm 100). Be blessed


I will trust you Lord Reach out and touch the Lord as he passes by. Know that he is never too busy to hear your heart cry. It’s the last month of the year, but guesses what? Yes, God is still in business of delivering new blessing each day. If God promises to bless you this year know that He will do what He promises. God is not a man to promise and not fulfill. It is written that even thought our blessings may tarry it will come to pass. You have to be determined. You have to keep your eyes on Jesus despite what you are seeing, hearing and feeling. You have to take your eyes off the problem and focus on the solution (JESUS). You have to be in faith, trusting and believing if God is for you, who can be against you. Listen nothing comes easy, you have to fight especially, if you know that you can do better. It’s impossible to see the hands of God work in your life if you don’t faith. The word of God says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things n...