Trust in the Lord at all times In order to succeed in life, we need to follow instructions and directions. At times, following instruction can be very difficult, especially, when you are the type of person who likes to figure thing out, on your own. On the other hand, when you are a detail oriented person you can sometime, missed the “big picture”. However, if you only pay attention to the “big picture”, you can miss the details. Regardless, of your style of learning, Christ way is always, the best way. Nevertheless, he encourages us to use wisdom. Wisdom teaches you how to balance out everything you do. God directs and navigates us through our problems. But, if you are not humble enough, you will miss your exit. And when you are on a mission, you cannot afford to miss your exit. I recall a church message one of my Pastor shared with us. He explained there are six things we should be mindful of when we are serving the Lord. He made it straight and c...