
In life, you will experience many disappointments. But the one person you cannot afford to disappoint is yourself. When everyone has let you down, you must learn to encourage yourself. What does disappointment look like? It looks like when people reject you, when people abandon you when people believe you will turn out to be nothing good, when people on your job try to sabotage your work, when your family doesn’t support you, when people who you have help and though is your friend tells lies on you etc. Disappointment can look different to each of us depending on how you view and see your situation. I love to talk about my situation because it helps me heal, grow, and develop into the woman God says I am. All my life, I have been disappointed by people. People who don’t believe in me. People who spoke negativity into my life from childhood. People whom I have helped told lies to me. During my school years, people (teachers) thought I would not become anythin...