
Showing posts from May, 2013

Sincere Hearts

Strength Go and speak to Jesus It’s amazing that we can go to God, daily and ask for strength. In order to live a fulfill life we need Christ, Jesus. For he knows, everything, he is the solution to all your problems, he is the redeemer, he is the provider, he is the healer, he is, the Great I AM. Today, you might be faced with some trials, but don’t forget who you serve. Know that you don’t serve a dead god, But a God who lives forevermore.  We no longer have to carry our burdens around. Rather all we have to do is surrender all to Jesus, for his burdens are light and his yoke is easy. The key is to keep pushing, until you see what the Lord has promised to you. Don’t lose hope or heart over your problems. Many times the enemy wants you to give up. He hopes that you will get frustrated and give up. But he is thief. And when you are a WINNER, you never quit! All you have to do is give your problems to God and he will work it out. Sometimes, it is hard to let go and le...


Overcome God looks at our heart... Most of us know that life and death lies within our tongue. Words have power and it can either heal or hurt a person. And many times in life some people consciously or unconsciously love to say what they want, when they want and how they want. With no regards of how it can affect a person. Likewise vice-versa, if we are not carefully of how we react to people when they speak to us, it could cause damage. But thank God for blood of Jesus. When your trust is in Christ Jesus, he teaches you self-control.  Many times people feel because you are a Christian, you are a fool. They fail to realize that it is wisdom , when you have self-control and that it is God, who is going to fight your battle. Today, you might find yourself upset and want to tell some people off. But Wait a minute! Waiting, waiting and breathing! Give it to God, for he will defend you. In fact the word of God said, “…, listen and understand. 11 What goes into someone’...


Leeches God will restore double for you trouble... Some people who comes, into your life or cross your path are like leeches. They are there to suck you dry of everything you have. But thank God for Jesus, who always redeem those he loves. There are times, you meet people and in the beginning they seem nice. Only to discover, they are wolf in sheep clothing. It’s no wonder the Bible tells us that some people are wolves in sheep clothing and we outta be aware of them. We all know the enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy. And many times, when he comes into our lives, he disguise himself, to point where you believe they are so sweet and cunning, but when you really get to know them they are stink. The Bible is such a powerful book. And when you are faced, with any situation and you give it to God, he always sends you a word. Many times, when you discuss your fears and frustration after he reveals something to you, he always sends conformation and word of hopes, which hel...

Something New

Free God wants to do something NEW.... Thank God our freedom was brought with the price of death through Jesus Christ. Freedom is awesome and when you have a choice to choose life because Christ, it’s a blessing. And When Christ has set us free there is no need to continue to life in bondages. Most of us are aware that generation curses would visit us in our times. And rest assured today, many of us are recipients of these curse. But thank God for the blood of Jesus, which has set us free from all bondages and curses. We must believe that what happen to auntie Jackie, uncle Paul, cousin Edith and grandma Margret, is not our portion. In Jesus name, Amen. Yes, not ours because whom the Son set free, is free indeed from all slavery. There are two types of slavery, mental and physical. But the biggest battle is the mental slavery. For it is true you can take a person physical body out a problem. But if there mindset has not change they will continue to live in captivity. The wor...


End Result God is a just, God... God is amazing and when you cry out to him, he has an amazing way of letting you know, he care for you. How many of you can testify of his greatness? When you look back at some situations in your life, you know without a doubt that God was keeping you. As I was meditating with God, I realize that it is true that he send some situations to test us and other times, the enemy just invites himself, in. Nevertheless, when your complete trust is in the Lord, he will make a way out.  For I recognize that if you don’t have a relationship with Christ, Jesus for yourself, you can be misled by others, because people can misuse the scriptures and the words of God to control others. Even in such circumstances, where a person feels they can control a person, God will deal with them, because his words are not to be used to keep others in suppression or oppression.  But to lift them up to know who he is and how much he cares for each of us. As ...


 Overcome Be refreshed, in the Lord. Have you ever felt like a situation will take you under? But then you realize when your trust is, in the Lord, he will always catch you before you fall. Today, I just want to encourage someone to keep trusting in the Lord, despite your circumstances. In order to win a war, you have to battle. And sometimes during the war, you get hurt. But don’t give up! Don’t stop fighting for your family, friends, health, children, spouse, finances, etc. Know that God is able to see you through. He always takes care of those, who hopes and trust in him. In fact, the Lord reassures us that every trial makes us stronger and allows us to recognize that he is the Great I Am. Therefore, worry not yourself, but rejoice, rejoice and rejoice for he is faithful. Don’t give up or give in, to your situations. But rest assured that every disappointment is an appointment for God to work a miracle in your life. Today can just be that day. Your miracle is next in ...


Deep Within Let your search results end in Christ, Jesus.. When you are a child of God, you do go through trials and struggles. However, when your complete trust is in him, you will overcome. As I was faced with several dilemmas in my life, I thank God for his grace and mercies. It blows my mind of God’s strengths and powers. It amazes me because when you have a relationship with God and you communicate with him, he takes you back to his words. In addition, he always places goodly friends who listen and direct you to go back to God. They also encourage you, when faced with many decisions, to make sure the choices you chose is based on the word of God. So I was in a struggle and I began to speak with God and he led me to Galatians 5. As I read the first passage it cleared every negative voice I was hearing from the enemy. It states, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery”. (Galatians 5:...


Shield Allow the Lord, to mold you….. The Lord God Almighty is awesome. He is faithful and never stops, protecting those he loves. It’s true of the words of Psalms 91:10, which states “no evil shall befall you, or come near your dwelling” Amen. The one thing about God is never lies. He is always right, for he sit above and watches below. He knows when something will happen before it happen. He knows the exact time, date and place when he will destroy all weapons of destruction that is forming against us. We are aware that God does not look at our outward appearance, but our inner man. None of us can actually, say that we know everything in a person heart. Whether good or bad, only Christ, Jesus knows. However, those of us who serve him in Spirit and truth, have wisdom and a spirit of discernment, which allow us to see the wolves in sheep clothing. It’s is no wonder that the Bible speak so much about making God your everything and putting him first, in everything you ...


In Decision Let your safety be in the Lord... In life we all have to make decisions. Whether good or bad, we must make one. It’s amazing that when God is in your life, you know you have to right to choose life because he has already paid the price. Sometimes as I sit and assess many situations in my life, I thank God for his graces and mercies which have brought me through. Had it not been for him, I would not know where I would be. And when you know who you are and whom you belongs too, you no longer live in fear to anyone or any situation. Rather your complete trust is and should always be in the Lord. When you begin to spent time in the word of God, you discover many things about yourself and those around. You begin to feel a sense of safety because you know with a certainty that no weapons, forming against you shall prosper. You know longer accept situation as it appears normal. But you begin to see that many things are spiritual wickedness, in high places. Nevertheless...


Self-Control Give yourself to Jesus, for he cares for you... It is important to have self-control in many situations. Self-control simple means a person ability, to hold back their thoughts and not express it any manner, they feel. In my opinion, it requires discipline. Not everyone and anyone can control themselves, from exploding whenever they feel like. Nevertheless, without Jesus in your live you cannot have self-control. In fact, you might try in your own strength to have self-control, but then soon realize that you are acting out worst, than before. Why? Because you are trying to suppress a negative emotion on your own. It’s like you trying to command a spirit to leave and it will not. The Bible said ONLY at the name of Jesus can demons flee. So that’s why you can't learn self-control on your own. I believe, it’s built up angry which causes people to explode on others. Another is un-forgiveness, and bitterness.  When you don’t forgive, you become bitter and th...

Be Still

Stand You are never alone, God is always present.... It’s amazing when you totally, put your trust in the Lord. Many times, we try to battle on our own, but we realize it doesn’t work. But when your hope and trust is in the Lord, you can conquer all things through Christ Jesus. You know longer feel broke, bust or disgust. Rather you are empowered, by his words, his grace and mercies for he always sees you through. The word for day is simple, you don’t have to worry or be afraid. God has everything under control. Just know once you give it to him, it’s finished. Just trust and trust and trust and trust that you have the Victory! In fact the word of God said, “And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever.14 The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.”(Exodus 14:13-14). Amen Halleluja...

Abundance of Rain

 Shower Trust in the Lord... How many of you desperately want to see the abundance of rain? I know I do. When your garden is dry, and you want it to flourish, you need to seek the Heavenly Father, so he can rain down on you. Have you ever notice when rain falls and there is a dead or malnourished garden how it comes alive. Well, that’s what some of us need. We need showers of blessings to rain down, rain down on us in Jesus name, Amen. But guess what? I can smell and hear the abundance of my blessings come down, because I know the Lord, God Almighty is faithful to those who hope is in him. Do you remember the story of Elijah in 1kings 18:41-45, where there was a drought in the Land, because it did not rain for three years. The Prophet Elijah went to pray earnestly, on the top of mountain Carmel for rain.  He sent one of his servants many times check at the sea to see if there was rain. He went first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth times and there wa...


Provider  Look to the Hill(Jesus)....   Today, it seems that everyone wants to rise at the top. It does not matter the cost, but getting to the top, seems to be in. Yet, we who are in the kingdom know, when God blesses you its better. When you know who you are and whom you belongs too, you will not suffer. You will not be seen begging bread. It’s truly amazing when you know, that God is your provider. He is everything you will ever need, in order to succeed. When you are a child of God, you don’t need to bash others to get to the top. You don’t sit and plot evil schemes on how you will be exalted. Rather you trust in the Lord and lean not to your own understanding, resting assured that he will supply all your needs. Yesterday, I was speaking with a friend, and we were discussing how people on job place are plotting and stealing, only wanting to rise to top, even if others are suffering at their cause. Nevertheless, we settle at, when we are faithful and children of G...


Allow God, to be  in your plans.... Motivated To win any battle, you have to be motivated. You have to be ready for a war. But before the war, you must have a plan on how you will defeat your enemy. Nevertheless, Christ MUST first, be, in your plan. You will not win any battle without him. You might get a little victory, but to kill the enemy dead, never to return, you need Jesus. As I thinking, about the many victory King David had I realize he was motivated. He didn’t lean on his own understanding, nor did he fight in his own strength. At present time, for those of us who truly serve and trust in the Lord, we are aware that God is our only hope and source. Many people in the Bible knew this, and this is why we today, who are better off than them, should recognize it. In past, they had to wait to hear from the Lord, but now he lives inside of us and we can access, him anytime. Amen, Hallelujah. When we look at the passage in first Samuel 30, we would see Ki...


Harvest Time Plant in the Lord, and be blessed.... Harvest Time In order to reap a harvest you must be willing to plant. But it is difficult to plan when you are not committed. What is commitment? It’s when you are willing to do whatever, it takes to succeed. Meaning, everything that is good and respectable in the land following the law, not stealing from others and saying it is yours. Let’s us suppose you want to receive a good paying job. You will go to school and learn in order to obtain your degree, which will mostly likely bless you with a good paying job. As you study, to show yourself approval, you are planting seed. The harvest comes after you receive your degree and find the jobs you desire.  If you want to see changes, in your loved ones, you will pray, fast and speaking blessings over their lives. That will be your seed for them and eventually when the change comes; your family and you will reap the fruits and it benefits. Everyone wants a harvest, but...


Build up You can do it, through Christ Jesus...... Courage allows us, to make a move and do what we have to do in order to accomplish a task. We all have courage and know what we can and cannot do. Nevertheless, we who are in Christ Jesus, knows we can do all things through him, because he strengthens us. It’s a very powerful passages and words of encouragement which help us to preserve. Yet, at times, it can be difficult. As I sit and meditate and give God the glory for some battles, I have won, I notice that it is true that we can do all things through Christ Jesus, who strengthen us. I also realize that he never give to us what we cannot handle. And there are times we really, have to stand still. At the present time of our trouble, we don’t see it, but when the time has passed it all makes sense. Nothing, is truly too hard for God, to do and with patience, we learn to endure and overcome many trials and tribulations.   Words of encouragement for you, despite what ...

Entire Life

All Over Let the Spirit of the Lord, keep you Alive..... Sometimes in life, you have to just leave people alone, and allow God to deal with them. When you know that God is working all over in your life, you don’t have to worry or fret yourself about evil doings. You must not comprise your faith because you want peace. Yes, the bible teaches us that we should make peace, especially when it depends on us. But they are times, the enemy uses people or things to get you upset. Because of this people assumed that you must stay quiet when they are doing wrong. Does anyone, know what I am talking about? It is true of the words of God, which states that “5 if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. 6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. 7 For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; 8 he is a d...


Forgiveness Cast your burdens unto Jesus. He cares for you............. The Bible teaches us that we are renewed by the transformation of our minds. Most of us know that when they enemy attacks, he usually attack our minds. Many of us are praying for our family members or friends and it appears that there is no change. But the devil is a liar. Your job is to keep praying for them. Recognize that your prayers are not in vain. Because we know that God words, does not go back to him void. It MUST accomplish its purpose. So as you continue to pray, be aware that your prayers keep an edge of protection over your relatives, friends, children, spouse etc. Just as we know the enemy fights our minds, so it is with our loved ones. They are in a spiritual battle, trying to figure out which way to go. We who trust in the Lord, knows this because Christ die and rose from the dead, we have a choice to choose between life and death. Since we chose life, who is Christ Jesus, the veil was re...


Amazing Be aware that God watches over you.... God is truly amazing. It’s a blessing when you wait until the Lord blesses you as supposed to you rushing. We all know that God is faithful and always on time. However, when you are in the fire you don’t think so. Does anyone agree? When the fire is blazing, the first thing that sometimes comes to mind is where God is. Then as you meditate on his word and begin to put your complete trust in him, you feel a sense of peace.   But when you wait on him and you receive your blessings, you are filled with joy because you realize, had he given it to you, to early you might not have appreciate it, as you do now. Throughout your walk with Christ, it is important for you to know, that you will be faced with many trials. Nevertheless, he will make away. When in doubt about your situation, remember your previous battle and the victory you received. Know that he will deliver you, each time you put your trust in him. I discovered that m...


Assess God is able to  move every giants out your way........... In every situation we are faced with, the Lord teaches us, how to use wisdom. When you are a child of most high God and your complete trust is in him, you must be obedient to his words. Many of us know what the word said and we try our best to life by it daily with God helps. Nevertheless, there are some events that seem to keep coming your way. More like some “goliaths”. But we must stand strong in the Lord and know these giants must come down! As you begin to assess your situation, you have to check and see where it is coming from. Some of us might beware of where the enemy is attacking, but afraid to say something. But the devil is liar. In Jesus name, Amen. We cannot be children of God and when we see enemy, we are at a standstill because of the spirit of fear. No we must be bold and trust in the Lord even more, that he will destroy them. To be honest, they are times we are trusting in the Lord, b...