
God will restore double for you trouble...
Some people who comes, into your life or cross your path are like leeches. They are there to suck you dry of everything you have. But thank God for Jesus, who always redeem those he loves. There are times, you meet people and in the beginning they seem nice. Only to discover, they are wolf in sheep clothing.

It’s no wonder the Bible tells us that some people are wolves in sheep clothing and we outta be aware of them. We all know the enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy. And many times, when he comes into our lives, he disguise himself, to point where you believe they are so sweet and cunning, but when you really get to know them they are stink.

The Bible is such a powerful book. And when you are faced, with any situation and you give it to God, he always sends you a word. Many times, when you discuss your fears and frustration after he reveals something to you, he always sends conformation and word of hopes, which helps you to trust in him even more. In fact he always tells you, what to watch out for. “I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. 18 For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people. 19 Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I rejoice because of you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil”. (Romans 16:17-19) Amen.

It doesn’t matter how much the enemy tries to break you down. When God is in your life, you will never lose any battle. In fact he is the great healer, our provider, our helper. He everything you will ever need, and even when the leeches, tries to drain you of all you had, God will restore double for your trouble. Don’t lose hope in your situation, but keep trusting in the Lord. Tell him everything and he will make a way out. Be blessed and be restored, in Jesus name. Amen. 


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