
Showing posts from June, 2014


  My Steps Let your step be in Christ Jesus... “Order my steps in thy word: and let not any iniquity have dominion over me. Deliver me from the oppression of man: so will I keep thy precepts. Make thy face to shine upon thy servant; and teach me thy statutes. Rivers of waters run down mine eyes, because they keep not thy law” (Psalms 119:133-136). It’s a blessing when the Lord is ordering your step, because you are sure that obstacles will come but you will not be taken under because of your faith to trust is in the Lord. Recently, I had an opportunity to speak with few friends and when you listen to their story most of them are similar. They are suffering in their health, personal life, or finances. And it’s nobody but the devil, who is trying to rob them their peace. Of course my only solutions is to cry out to Jesus, because I know you cannot change nothing on your own without Jesus ordering your steps, or directing your path. We all are faced with some type of tria...


 Rejoice   The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake (Psalm 23:1-3). There are times where you just have to celebrate during your trials. Rejoice because God is with you and he promises never to leave us or forsake. What a mighty God we serve. Oh my friends celebrate this morning and sing a new song unto your Lord. Give him all the honor and praises. Worship His Holy name, for He is above all. Who are you going to run to when you are faced with problems? Let it be Jesus. When all seems lost, run to Jesus. When it late in mid night hours, call on Jesus. Whatever you are facing, Jesus is the answer! I don’t know about you but as for me, the answer and solutions to all my problems is JESUS! He has never failed and He will not fail any time soon. Be of good faith and courage this day. Trust that God will make away when it...

Hold On

 God is able Do you trust in the Lord?.......... “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6).Amen There is nobody greater than Jesus, you can search all over but you wouldn’t find anyone like Him. God is a good God and he promises never to leave us or forsake us. When I sit and think of all the things God has done and is still doing in my life, it true that there is nobody greater than Jesus. And I must say thank you Lord for all you have done and is still doing for me and the others around me. My friends it a great joy when you know Jesus for yourself. It a security like no others. Even when it looks like you are going under, your faith to trust in him, let you know there is hope in your situation. Again I say there is nobody greater than Jesus. Who do you trust in? Do you trust in yourself or man? Or do you trust in the Lord? I pray that your ...


 Finished Starting all over can be difficult. But when you are a child of God, he makes it easier. What would have taken you years, God can do in months, days, or second. There are times when we are working on a goal and we never complete it. We start and then we put it down. Soon you find yourself working on a new project. Next you put that one down, and begin another. It’s a TRICK from the enemy to have you start and never complete. Our loving Father Jesus Christ is not the author of confusion. He has many plans and visions for us. But it is our responsibility to complete the job in order to see our blessings. It is not always easy but, when you start something, you MUST complete it! If you need to start all over, just do it. Know that God is with you and he will never forsake. Listen to what Paul said about the race , “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (2 Timothy 4:7). In order words, he completed every assignments and his fa...


Christ My trust is in the Lord... Living a live for Christ is awesome. There are times when, the path seems to be difficult, but when your trust is in him, alone, nothing forming against you will prosper. It is enhancing to know that he always has your best interest because he takes care of his creation. He reminds us daily that he will never leave us or forsake us. Whether it’s in good times or bad times he is always there. And that’s why it is important that we spend time getting to know him for who he is, and NOT what he can do. Truly, knowing him will always cause you to overcome any situation you are facing. You will be confident to praise him in good time and bad times. You will have a great desire to trust in him even more, when no one, is standing with you. Without any certainty, you will know that he is the King of King and the Lord of Lord. People can tell you about him, but there is no experience like when you have your own relationship with him. In order to achie...


 Lord Trust in the Lord, at all times!!! There is nothing like the presence of the Lord in your life. You must have a desire to have God in your life in order to see the changes you desire. Most importantly, without God you wouldn’t have peace, His peace which surpasses all understanding. Today we life in a world, which everyone wants to get to the top no one is willing to make sacrifices. Everyone wants; wants and no one want to give up something in order to receive from God. My friends we all must know Christ for ourselves. We all must make whatever sacrifice, God is calling us to do in order to receive our blessings and to see his glory shine in our lives. Even God himself, had to make a sacrifice and that was allowing his only son Jesus to die on the cross, so that he may save our lives. What is God calling you to do this morning? Be obedient to his words and his way. In order to gain something you must lose something. In order to succeed, you must be willing to ...


 Christ When you are grounded in the word of God, nothing will affect you. It’s not just good enough to hear the word of God from others. It is better when you know, it for yourself. Let’s suppose you want to run a race, would you practice daily or would you just sit back and when it is time, to race you run? Of course not! You will do what you have to do to get yourself in shape for the race. You will eat healthier, walk, etc. Nevertheless, you are expecting to succeed, because you have put in the work. Now let us look at our spiritual life. Suppose you are in conflicts, what will you do? Would you run to a friend, Pastor, or therapy? Maybe or maybe not! However, when you are grounded in the word, you will run directly to Christ Jesus, because he has all the answers you need. But you cannot run to him unless, you are trained to know, who he is. How do you become trained? You become trained by spending time in His word. Paul said, “25 everyone who competes in the games goe...


 Powerful “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? “Psalm 27:1 There is nothing like the presence of the Lord. He is amazing, wonderful and sincere. We must acknowledge and adore his presence daily. We must learn to seek his face and worship him in spirit and in truth. Yesterday, I was listening to Christian radio station, as the pastor preaches; she said something very powerful that when I thought about it, it was deep! She said, “ yes blood is thicker than water but the Spirit is thicker than blood”. And that holds true, when you are trusting in the Lord.  You no longer look to physical man but the Spiritual man who is Christ, Jesus and he is above everything. No wonder the word of God said we must worship Him in spirit and in truth. In order to seek our blessing we must obey what the Spirit (Jesus) is saying and not man. We must learn to surrender all to Jesus. We must trust in Him....


 Help Help me to trust in you Lord.... “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”.( Philippians 4:6). Amen There are times you feel you upset. You may find yourself, feeling frustrated and not yourself. Well, I had one of those moments. I was upset, and I was not thinking straight. I found self-asking why I am so irritated. Everyone and everything got me mad. But I thank God that I never open my mouth. To be truthful, I knew I was upset but I could not understand why I was upset. So I began to pray. I asked God not to let the people around me feel or draw my negative energy. Then as I prayed I got even angrier. At one point, I said Lord, I know that you have delivered me and whom the sun set free, is free indeed. So what was wrong? The Lord made me think back to what happen...


 Unclean God loves you.... It is you I love, says the Lord. Today many people view given their life to Christ as bad things. For some, we think we have to be “perfect” before we gave our live. But the enemies use the word “perfect” to trick many of us. God loves and want you just the way you are. He wants to take care of you despite your faults, because he looks beyond our faults and sees our needs. None of us is perfect including me, but God is PERFECT! The Lord says come as you are. He said: Tear your hearts, not your clothes. Return to the Lord your God. He is merciful and compassionate, patient, and always ready to forgive and to change his plans about disaster (Joel 2:13, GW) Let’s look at Saul who was a murder, before, God changed his name to Paul and used him. Rehab was a prostitute, but God save her and her family. Jacob was a thief, and a liar and God blessed him. Moses was a killer before, God change him and used him to set His people free. King Davi...


 Cast “Cast your burdens unto Jesus because he cares for y ou”, is a power song and we must get use to in cooperating it in our daily walk with God. None of us can accomplish all we want without him. We cannot fix everything and everyone in our lives. But we can pray for improvements. It’s okay to talk to God about everything. Cast your burdens don’t necessary mean your current struggles, you have with others. But also struggles within your personal and spiritual growth with God. He wants to know you fears and frustration. He wants to know your likes and dislikes. Don’t assume that he knows, because not until you ask for his assistance can he works. We sometimes get uses to, “well, God know my problem and he can help me”. Yes he knows, but how can he help, if you don’t ask for guidance. For instance, you can talk to someone that you need a job, but not until you ask them, if their job is hiring because you are looking can they assist you. Did you notice the different in t...


 Believe Put your trust in the Lord.... Sometimes, in life we forget where the Lord our God had brought us out of.  But when you sit and remember what he has done, you know that it’s only because of Him you can face today, and tomorrow. As I meditate on Hebrew 10:35-37, “ So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For in just a little while, he who is coming will come and will not delay.” Amen Our God is awesome and even in your darkest moments; you need to trust in him. Rest assured that he is not a God to promise and not fulfill, but he is faithful to those who are faithful to him. The key to reeving and seeing God’s glory in your life is to him confidence in Him. To know that he is working out your situation and you will have the victory. When in doubt, remember your previous victory. Remember what he brought you out of. Remember h...


God is able...... “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.5 For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations” (Psalms 100:4-5) There is no other God like Jesus. Have you every just feel like just worshiping all day? You wake up and your spirit feels refreshed. You are happy because the Lord is awesome and his mercies endure forever. When you are faced with trials, don’t let it over take you, rather REJOICE. Know that God is able to see you through. Know that he is faithful and he will do what he promises. Over past week, God has been doing great things in my life and those around me. I notice that when you are going through a battle, it always best to encourages others because that’s when God works on your situation as well as others. I love the Lord and I love to encourage others with his words because, I know there is none like him.  When you do something do...

Promises of God

 Standing Jesus is the answer... God is wonderful and awesome. He is faithful and does what he promises. So when things are looking like it is not going to work, trust in the Lord, for God will deliver! Don’t wish to change your past. But press forward knowing that your future is looking brighter than before.  God is a great provider. He will never leave you or forsake you. Even in your darkest moments, he is fighting your battles. He is making away when it seems to be nowhere. Hope, hope and hope in the Lord, despite what’s coming your way! “Then he said, “Don’t be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven. I have come in answer to your prayer. 13 But for twenty-one days the spirit prince[c] of the kingdom of Persia blocked my way. Then Michael, one of the archangels,[d] came to help me, and I left him there with the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia”(Da...


 Eyes Look to the hill of Jesus... As I walk I am getting tired, but the word of God encourages me to stay on task. There are times you get weary in your walk, but don’t give up, lift your hands to the hill from where your strength comes, for your strength comes from the Lord. Every day you must choose to do right or wrong. Whether it is in your home, job, school, neighborhood, you have to make a choice, to either honor what God say or to do your own will. But having your own way would not get you anywhere; it only leads down the path of destruction, and into the hands of the enemy.  As you are faced many trials, you start to wonder if God is really there for you. You begin to look around and ponder, then you realize you are going under that’s when you have to cry out for Jesus to help you. Here I am saying, Lord, help me to stay focus, help me to keep my eyes on you and not to be distracted about what I don’t have, but help me Lord to know that better is on its way...


 Miracle God is able to blessed you..... Have you ever felt like a situation will take you under? But then you realize when your trust is, in the Lord, he will always catch you before you fall. Today, I just want to encourage someone to keep trusting in the Lord, despite your circumstances. In order to win a war, you have to battle. And sometimes during the war, you get hurt. But don’t give up! Don’t stop fighting for your family, friends, health, children, spouse, finances, etc.  Know that God is able to see you through. He always takes care of those, who trust in him. In fact, the Lord reassures us that every trial makes us stronger and allows us to recognize that he is the Great I Am. Therefore, worry not yourself, but rejoice, rejoice and rejoice for he is faithful. Don’t give up or give in, to your situations. But rest assured that every disappointment is an appointment for God to work a miracle in your life. Today can just be that day. Your miracle is next i...

Trust in Jesus

 Surrender Jesus is the ANSWER!!!! With everything, you must learn to trust in Jesus. You must learn to surrender all to him and know that he will make away when it seems to be no other way. My friends when you are grounded in your believe and trust in the Lord with all your heart you can always face anything storms or challenges in your life. You are not transformed by what is happening around you. But you stand solid, knowing that when you God is for you who can be against you. Even though the storms rage the anchor still holds. You might be going through but know that God is always with you. Be uplifted. Be encouraged. Trust in the Lord and know that he is faithful. Rest assured that he is coming to rescue you, but you must be in faith. You must acknowledge him in all you do. You must be obedient to his ways and his wills and things will work out for you. Don’t lose hope but through it all you MUST learn to trust in Jesus. Blessed is the man Who walks not in the c...


 Worship… The Lord is awesome... What a friend we have in Jesus. Oh, he is awesome and sweet. There are times you just want to stay in the Lord’s presence. You are happy and your spirit feels alive because you can see and experience the good things, God has in store for you. Does anyone know what I am talking about? Can I get a witness?  Amen. Today, I just want you to take some time and praise the Lord. Forget about your problems, your stress your worries and just embrace the warm presence of the Lord. Rejuvenate your spirit and know that all is well and God is the captain of your ship. Relax, put your feet up and know that when he is the Chief Officer in command, he has your back. Whatever trials or tribulations you are facing, know that everything thing is going to be alright. Just trust in the Lord and lean not to your own understand. O LORD, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens.2 Out of the mouths ...


God is GREAT... It’s amazing when your complete trust is in the Lord. For no weapons forming against you shall EVER prosper, in Jesus name. Amen. I don’t know about you but I love the Lord because he always takes care of me. When you are a child of God, the devil likes to attack you. But when your hope and trust is in the Lord, nothing will prosper because at his command everything MUST bow. Lately, I can feel the attacks of my enemies coming from all around. But my mind is made up; I will stand on the promises of God. I will trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not to my own understanding. Each day as I learn to trust in the Lord more and more, I know he is taking care of my battles. And all I need to do is to keep my faith alive by trusting in him more and remind myself daily of his promises over my life. My friends, God is always a good God and anytime you seem to think otherwise, check yourself. It’s time to pray even more and trust him more. Don’t be fooled th...


 Knocking Trust in the Lord, and not yourself.... Realization is a type of excuses. It is used to explain the why NOTS. But when you are a child of God there is no room to rationalize your situations. It is either yes or no.  However, too often many of us give up when we have try without any success. But we need to ask ourselves, how hard we are trying. Let’s look at the bible passages in Mathew 7:7, which states, “ Keep asking, and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking, and the door will be opened for you”. Simple right, not really, because how many of you have been seeking can’t find, knocking, and the door seems not to open.  As I meditate on the word, with the Lord, he said the problem is not with the knocking, asking or seeking, but the person ability to keep knocking, seeking and asking HIM to navigate them through the situation. When you have a big tree to cut down, does one hit bring it down, or do you have to keep...

God with you

 Trusting God is always with you... “…, do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. 14 The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”(Exudos14:13-14). Amen. We are six month in and it is still year of Expansion. Nevertheless, don’t give up on your dreams. Keep trusting and believing in the Lord. He is never late, but always on time. Don’t let the essence of time wear you out. But let the presence of the Lord, strengthen you to be VICTORIOUS. Obtain strength from the Lord, and push, push, push, until you receive that which the Lord has promised to you. Don’t Quit and Don’t Lose Focus !!!! But keep your eyes on Jesus. You are a winner, and an overcomer, whose hope and trust is ALWAYS in the Lord. Remember, God don’t look the time, to bless us. He looks at our faith. For, it is our faith which moves the hand of God. Not our tears, frustration, unbelief, doubt...