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Always hope in Christ
“Great peace have those who love Your law, And nothing causes them to stumble” (Psalm 119:165). Amen.

God is awesome and wonderful. And it such a blessings that when we give our lives to Christ, Jesus we are renewed by the transforming of our minds. All old things have passed away and we become new creations. Every battle, every unbelief, every faith, everything we think begins in our mind. The mind is a powerful thing. We must strive daily to keep our minds lineup with the word of God. We must strive to keep our minds and thoughts pure. With all negative thoughts and feelings that are in our mind, we must do our best to override it with the goodness and blessings of God.

Have you ever notice, the minute you try thinking positive and see yourself doing good, how you get a headache or you can’t stay focus? But when something evil comes up to do wrong, you can think it through. You can think the detail etc. But the devil is a liar, in Jesus name.  Amen. No evil thing comes from God. And there are times when you are waiting for your blessings you begin to feel the pressure. Does anyone know what I am talking about?

You begin to feel a sense like you are not going to make it. Especially if the deadline is approaching or it has passed. You begin to question yourself, if God will do it for you. But guess what, he will do it for you if you continue to trust in him. Despite your feeling or thinking, don’t lose focus on Jesus. Recognize that he is the way, the truth and the light. When your mind begins to doubt, encourage yourself by remembering your previous victory. Begin to worship and speak the word of God over your life. Ignore the negative voices and thoughts that are trying to bombard your mind, and let the peace of God take over. Be blessed 


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