
What a mighty and awesome God we serve. One who brings correction to those He truly LOVES! Yes, correction! You see my friends, when God has a calling on your life, there isn’t any place He wouldn’t go to hunt you down, to bring you back to His throne. In fact, here I was trying to hide from what He’s calling me to do. Nevertheless, who He bless no one curse. In my storm, I shut down. I felt I had to deal with issues behind the scene. Only to discover that didn’t solve my problems. I had to understand that true healing comes from our relationship with Christ Jesus and not man. This morning, I had to reflect on some of my irrational thinking, only to discover it was unresolved issues I haven’t full surrender to my Daddy (Jesus). For I discovered I was judging some people not knowing I had to look within myself (I Seek FORGIVENESS). You know it’s a true thing that say NONE of us is perfect. Rather we serve a God who is. The Lord reminded me of the passage where the Jewish men had brought the woman who committed adultery to be stone before the Lord, He said, “So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her”(John 8:7). Of course no one did. They all left and Jesus did not condemn her. So I thought to myself, while I am working through some difficult issues in my own life, Jesus has not condemn me and I must be mindful not to condemn others, because sin is sin in God’s eyes. I am Kerensa, the one God loves and has called. There is no one like me and no one who can be me. I make changes in my life because of what my Father (Jesus) instructs me. Am I perfect no and nor do I want to be. So, when we give our lives to Christ Jesus, He never said that there wouldn’t be difficulties, but He promises to be with us. I have realize that once God is the Captain of my ship I will not sink. Rather, He is giving me time to throw unnecessary cargo overboard; to rid of some things, relationships, or people in my life for good. Today, I am a new creation in Christ, I am and will always be under His construction, I am not perfect but I am His daughter in whom He’s pleased. That’s me Kerensa!


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