
Showing posts from December, 2013

Stronger than Before

Faith Your are next in line for a miracle.... Well, it the last day in of the old month and the beginning of a New Year. But Guess what? Even now you can still believe and trust in the Lord for a miracle today. God wants to bless us more than we understand the question is, do you believe stronger than before. Is your faith activated to trust God and to believe that there is more to life than what you are used to. Yes, God has more to offer than life itself. Yes, he has paid the price so that we may have freedom, a choice to live, life more abundantly. I know God has blessed me this year. And there are things, he has promised and I haven’t seen it as yet, but my faith is stronger than before. I am hoping that even this very moment he is making away when it seem to be no way. I am trusting that I will receive that which my heart desire today and if not God will release them in New Year. Nevertheless, I will always continue to trust and believe in the Lord, because he never ...

Hold on

 Miracle Trust in the Lord, at all times.... “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust” (Psalm 91:1-2). What is faith? It is said that faith of substance things hoped for and the event of things not yet seen. So how can you have faith if you have yet seen your miracle? Well you have to believe despite, how you feel and think.  You have to believe, despite of what you see and hear and despite what others are saying. Without faith rest assured it is impossible to see the hands of God work in your life. It’s only your faith to trust and believe in the Almighty God will bring about the changes you are seeking. Faith does not work with doubt and unbelief. Unbelief and doubt is the recipe that causes you to stay in bondages. It causes you to live in darkness and stay in fear. It causes you to stay in the “ifs” and “maybe I shou...


Keep at it… There are times we try but never seem to succeed. But I must say we must persevere until we overcome. Sometimes as we go after our dreams and heart desire, it seems that something or someone is blocking us. Fact be told, most time it is true that we are at a standstill. But when your complete trust in the Lord, you can overcome everything and everyone. You will find that you can do all things through Christ Jesus, who strengthen you. It amazing how God works in our life, when he comes in he just don’t fix one thing but he fixes everything that needs to be fixed. And there are times we think he is not working or he taking too long. But what amazes me, is that he is always on time and he knows when it’s best to release our blessings. He never gives to us anything prematurely. Rather he releases our blessings when he feels we are ready to enjoy the benefits and we can totally acknowledge it’s because of him. My friends never give up or give in to your circumstance...


Double Honor Dare to believe in the word of God... This is still the year of double honor and yes, God still wants to bless you.  When you are trusting in the Lord, you don’t just give up or give in because you think time is running no. No my friends, that’s when you have to push your faith and yourself to hold on to the promises of God. He did say though our blessing may tarry it will come to past. But in order for it to come to past, you must believe. You must trust that God will do what he promises. For this month my writing is on trust, believing and not to give up. But to hold on to your dreams and trust in the Lord despite what you are seeing and how you are feeling. Yes, it can be hard to trust and believe, especially, if there are things you want and you haven’t seen it as yet. Nevertheless, when you trust in the Lord, you cannot lose focus on what is happening, what if and what going wrong. You have to treat each moment as an opportunity to grow in faith and to ...

Happy Holidays


Don’t be dismay

Trust Trust Jesus, he is the ANSWER.. There are times, when your faith will be tested. As Believers, we say we trust in God, but when storms hits us, that when we will know of much we really trust in Him. Every so often in life, we try to make peace with others around us, because the Bible teaches that we should make peace especially, if it depends upon us. But I must say it is not always easy. Especially, when they person who is fight against you is a loved one. Nevertheless, you must trust in God, even MORE . You have to encourage yourself with His words and promises. You have to learn to shout up, until the appropriate time comes for you to speak. But know that God will deliver you. None of us wants to live in confusion with others. But I tell you some people are confusion themselves. They are first hand encounter of what confusion, look like, taste like, and smell like (STINK) . Don’t matter how much you make peace with them, it is never good. But my God said “So do no...

Standing in Gap

 You Can Trust in the  Lord... To overcome you must be determine to fight until the end. Fight for your rights. Fight for your family and be determined that whatever  happens, you will NOT stop trusting in the Lord. Sometimes, we have to stand in the gap for others. We have to keep them in prayers and ask the Lord to guide and protect them  daily. None of us is perfect, but we serve a God who is. He is faithful. He is merciful and his loves for us endures forever. We all have a responsibility to pray every day seek the Lord’s guidance. We also have a responsibility to stand and pray for our family members, friends, neighbors, loved ones, etc. We must pray that they come to experience Christ in their lives. We must pray that God guide, protect and keep them out the path of danger. Sometimes all we can do is stand in the gap. As we stand in the gap, God is closing it for them. He is bringing them closer and closer to him, so they veil can be removed from the...

Stand Strong

Junk  Let the Lord water flow over you.... There are times we sit back and accept the nonsense the enemy is sending our way. Stop it, stop it! Or times we see loves in a struggle and all we do is talk about them. But we need to stop it and seek the Holy Spirit. The word of God say we fight not against flesh but spiritual wickedness in high place. People of God wake up and seek God’s advice. Don’t think that which is happening to you is from God because he wants to punish you or your loved one. NO, NO, NO and No it’s a trick form the father of all lies, satan! He wants you to stop trusting in the Lord. He wants you to belief that things will never change. He wants you to think that  God does not love you and that why you are suffering. The devil is and will always be a liar. The Lord loves us unconditionally. He looks beyond our faults and see our needs. He there with us in, and out on of the fire. He promises never to leave us or forsake us. Don’t, and don’t be fo...


Pastures Trust in the Lord at ALL TIMES... What A wonderful God we serve. One who does not sleep or slumber. One who is faithful and is always on time. One who knows everything before it happens and changes things when we cry out to him. There is none like him. None who takes cares of his sheep in the pastures. He is the great Shepherd who watches over his flock all seasons long. It’s not what others says determine your outcomes, but it is your faith and attitude to trust in the Lord despite, all odds. It’s your faith to trust that God will take you to your next big altitude and victory. Don’t listen to the negative voices. Don’t worry about your enemies. Don’t focus on lies, but FOCUS on the Lord. Focus on his grace and mercies. Focus on his words that say you are a winner. You are an overcomer. You are the head and not the tail. This is still the year of double honor and if you haven’t seen or receive that which the Lord has promised, it is not time to through in the tow...

In Faith

In and out of season What is faith? Is it to believe despite not seeing or is it to only believe when you have received? The word of God says , “Now faith is being sure we will get what we hope for. It is being sure of what we cannot see” (Hebrew 11:1). Amen. Now when we look at this passage from the Holy Bible, it simple explains that faith is things we hope for despite what we are seeing. It’s things we are hoping to change and will changed, because we believe. Not just believing, but because we are trusting in the Lord despite what we see with our eyes. We cannot expect to see changes in our life, if we are based it only on what we are seeing. No we must believe despite not seeing, because God only works when we are in faith. We must be in faith in and out of season. We must trust that God always have our best interest. We must trust God with all our heart and try not to understand why we are trusting in him.  What do you trust in the Lord, for? Are you going to give up...

The Rock

 Jesus Trust in the Lord, he is faithful.. It doesn't matter who says what or what you are feeling. It’s who you are believe in and trusting in. That should always be the Rock, Jesus, the one and true living God. He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the first and the Last. The one who is, and the one who is to come. Yes, his name is above all names, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Christ is he.  My friends trust not in others. Trust not in man, but Jesus. Trust not in your thinking, but in the thinking of Christ.  Whose report will you believe during your times of difficulties?  Make sure it is the Lord, report for nothing is over until, he says so. Don’t worry. Don’t fret. Don’t get tired. Don’t stop hoping. Don’t stop trusting. But renew your faith and strength in the Lord. Remember the Lord your God. Remember how he brought you out of Egypt. Remember how he parted your red seas. Remember that he is always with you. Remember his words that he will ...

Step Aside

 Trust God is ALWAYS with you..... There are times in our life when we have to step aside and trust in the Lord to guide and help us. We must come to the understanding that we cannot accomplish all we want in our own strength, nor can we see everything the Lord sees. For, the Bible tells us that we fight not against flesh but spiritual wickedness in high place. How many times have you tried to handle a situation on your own and only come to find out that thing is worse than before. That’s because we MUST step aside and trust that God can handle our situation and he does not need our assistance. It’s amazing how God works in our life. He never gives to us anything before time or after time. He is always faithful and on time. Sometimes as I sit and reminiscence on my life and where the Lord has brought me out of and from, I knew without a doubt had it not been for his grace and mercies, I would not be here. That’s when you come to understand how much God loves you and why ...


 Love God loves you and me..... “God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. 10 This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins” (1 John 4:9-10). To have any type of experience you have to either work in a specific area or be familiar with its process. Most of the time you cannot uses what you have learned in schools or text book as experience. You must be aware of that which you are doing. Now how do you know you have experience with God? Well in my point of view, the only way is to seek him for yourself, seek him for who is really is. That’s to request a miracle, through faith believing and trusting in his words, despite how you feeling, thinking and is seeing. God loves us unconditionally, that He send his only son Jesus to die and take away our sins, that we may have life and have an opportunity to live life more a...


 Renewed Trust in the Lord.... There are times all you can do is just worship the Lord. You have to sit and talk to him about your fears, your frustrations all that are troubling you and seek his guidance. We must live a life trusting that God is always in control of our destiny. Trusting that God will do what he says he will do. That God is the only one who can deliver us. He is the one who looks beyond our faults and see our needs. He is the one who loves us unconditionally. And he keeps no records of our mistakes, but he forgives us when we ask. Today the word is simple, stay in God’s presence. Run into his arm and seek his guidance. Don’t look to your left or right but looked to him for guidance. Cry out to him day and night until you receive that which you need. Pray in and out of season and let your request be known unto to him.  The key is to take your eyes of the problem and focus on the solution, the fixer, the deliver, the yoke breaker and that is Jesus. S...

Be Strong

 Trust Be strong in the Lord..... “This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”( Joshua 1:9) Trust in the Lord with all my heart and don’t try to understand, has been my motto for past few days. We must trust and trust in the Lord at all times. Even though it can be sometimes challenging especially, if you are expecting change and you don’t see it as yet, you can become frustrate. I realize that frustration only comes when you are not trusting in the Lord wholeheartedly.  The Lord is always with us and he promises not to leave or forsake, if we are strong and courageous. Don’t be frustrated. Don’t give in or give up. Rather be strong in the Lord. Trust in the Lord. Renew your strength in the Lord. Whatever you do, don’t stop hoping in the Lord, but hold unto his promises.  The word for today is simple, despite all opposition, keep trusting in the Lord. Dare to believe and ...


 Working God is making away... “Then he said, “Don’t be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven. I have come in answer to your prayer. 13 But for twenty-one days the spirit prince[c] of the kingdom of Persia blocked my way. Then Michael, one of the archangels,[d] came to help me, and I left him there with the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia”(Daniel 10:12-13).. God is wonderful and awesome. He is faithful and does what he promises. So when things are looking like it is not going to work, trust in the Lord, for God will deliver! Don’t wish to change your past. But press forward knowing that your future is looking brighter than before.  God is a great provider. He will never leave you or forsake you. Even in your darkest moments, he is fighting your battles. He is making away when it seems to be nowhere. Hope, hope and hope in the Lord, despite what’s co...

Over Worked

 Rest “And He said, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”( Exodus 33:14) Relax and trust in the Lord.... We are only human and we try to do so much in our own strength only to find that we can become over worked.  Yes with so much going on it is impossible for us to accomplish any task in our own strength. When we don’t seek the presence of the Lord we become overwhelmed and exhausted.  And that’s not what God has called us to be. He didn't say we must try to do everything in our own strength but he requires that we must spend time in his presence. He wants us to spend time reading his word, praying and fasting so our spirit and physical man can become strengthen. Have you ever feel like you are running on low? Well guess what my friends, it time to slow down, and surrender all to Jesus. Ask him for help and guidance. Know that you can never do all things in your own strength but you can do all things through Christ Jesus. There are tim...


 Ready God is making away for you... In order to receive you must be in the spirit of expectancy. You must believe that which you have asked the Lord for he will give to you. Yes something comes easy, while others you have to fight to recovery through prayers, fasting and planting seeds. Nevertheless, you will receive that which the Lord has promised to you. Don’t allow time of your waiting to wear you out. Instead, only believe through faith. The more you believe the closer you get to receive your blessings. As a mother carries her baby for nine months, she is expecting a blessing at end. In the beginning she is happy. She watches what she eats but in the later months, she becomes restless. She is tired of waiting. She wants her blessing now. But not until the expected date can she see that which she was longer for. And so it is with you and me. When God promise us something we are happy. We are excited. We look for it day and night, but when we don’t see it we become t...


 Trust “Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!”(Mark 9:24). Are you trysting in God? Do you still believe in him? I don’t think he is going to come true. Are you real sure he has your back? Do you believe what he says, because your situation doesn't look so good? Well your answer should YES , God will make away for me, it doesn't matter what my situation looks like, I know he will make away! Period! Point Blank! I am sure most of you have heard those words. But you have to ignore that which is contrary to what God has said. It’s not always easy because they are time in each of our lives where we begin to question, if God is for us. Including me, I have asked those questions. But I must say I never stop trusting in him because God can only work through faith. When we don’t have faith, it is impossible to see the hands of God work in our life. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evident of...


Stay on task...  Perseverance and persistence is the key to success.... Sometimes as you begin to see the hands of God moved in your life; it appears that many things can be distracting. There are times when the enemy tries to send many obstacles in your path with the attempt to stop you. But I must say don’t be distracted; don’t let anything or anyone stop you from trusting in the Lord. You must let your faith be like water on ducks back. So when the fiery darts hits you, you can shake it off and continue doing what you have to do. When you are expecting to be blessed, you cannot stop in the middle of your task because of naysayers, because of unbelief, or because others are not agreeing with you. No my friends, that's when you have to get focus and keep your head like a flint, steering straight ahead towards the finish line of your desires. You have to be like an express train, only stopping at your destination. You have no time to be derail by anything which is not ...


Winner Brighter days are ahead.... “And David was greatly distressed; for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God” (1 Samuel 30:6). To win you must be determined. To overcome you must preserve and to win, you must overcome. I am sure some of you want to win some battles. But to winning is not always easy. You will have to fight through prayers, fasting, and sometimes planting a seed. Most importantly, you have to seek the Lord’s presence and his advice. You cannot cry out to God and not listen to his instruction and direction. When we cry out to God he always speak to us on how to resolve the situation. If you are not obedient, you end up on the wrong path and many times find yourself being discourage. This is not time to quit. It’s not time to sit and ponder about old mistakes but time to rise up and be prepare to do whatever it takes t...

Last Month of Year

Still year of Double Honor See your blessings as you trust in the Lord..... . It’s the last month of the year, but guesses what? It’s still the year of “Double Honor”. Yes, God is still in business of delivering new blessing each day. Perhaps some of you have many things to give God the praises, while others are still waiting to receive a blessing. It doesn't matter because God is not a man to promise and not fulfill. I don’t know about you but me, I intend to receive everything the Lord has promised to for this year. I will preserve, through faith and let my hope be in the Lord. I will look to the hills because I know my strength comes from the Lord. I will trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not to my own understanding. I will receive that which God has in store for me. Maybe you are reading this and think God has forgotten you. But I must say he did not. You have to persevere. You have to be determined. You have to keep your eyes on Jesus despite what you a...