Stronger than Before


Your are next in line for a miracle....
Well, it the last day in of the old month and the beginning of a New Year. But Guess what? Even now you can still believe and trust in the Lord for a miracle today. God wants to bless us more than we understand the question is, do you believe stronger than before. Is your faith activated to trust God and to believe that there is more to life than what you are used to. Yes, God has more to offer than life itself. Yes, he has paid the price so that we may have freedom, a choice to live, life more abundantly.

I know God has blessed me this year. And there are things, he has promised and I haven’t seen it as yet, but my faith is stronger than before. I am hoping that even this very moment he is making away when it seem to be no way. I am trusting that I will receive that which my heart desire today and if not God will release them in New Year. Nevertheless, I will always continue to trust and believe in the Lord, because he never fails and no time soon anyways.

My friends don’t and never stop trusting in the Lord. Sometimes our blessings are delay because God has a bigger purpose in mind. We all will be tested but during our tests we should not stop and give up. Rather we are to trust in the Lord and lean not to our own understanding. I haven’t seen God promise something to me or anyone in the Bible and never send it. Yes, we might expect it a certain time but our timing is not God and his timing is not ours.  What we outta do is trust in the Lord despite how things look.

Whatever you do trust him and seek him. I prayed that this upcoming New Year will bring lots of blessing, peace and prosperity to you and you loved ones. I pray that God will release all that you need and even more. Don’t be discouraged, don’t lose hope and don’t give up. But hold on to your faith trusting that God will make away when it seems to be no way. Be blessed and many blessings to you in the New Year of 2014. 


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