Step Aside

God is ALWAYS with you.....
There are times in our life when we have to step aside and trust in the Lord to guide and help us. We must come to the understanding that we cannot accomplish all we want in our own strength, nor can we see everything the Lord sees. For, the Bible tells us that we fight not against flesh but spiritual wickedness in high place. How many times have you tried to handle a situation on your own and only come to find out that thing is worse than before. That’s because we MUST step aside and trust that God can handle our situation and he does not need our assistance.

It’s amazing how God works in our life. He never gives to us anything before time or after time. He is always faithful and on time. Sometimes as I sit and reminiscence on my life and where the Lord has brought me out of and from, I knew without a doubt had it not been for his grace and mercies, I would not be here. That’s when you come to understand how much God loves you and why your complete trust must be in him ALONE!

Today, things might not be looking up for you. But don’t stop trusting in the Lord. Know that better days are ahead of you. Sometimes, we go through certain situation and we question why. But we must understand that God does not give to us what we cannot understand.  He has already equipped you  with his word to overcome, and be victorious.  Don’t let a little fire bring you down. Rather use it to strengthen yourself and faith in the Lord. Listen I am not going to sit here and act like; I don’t have difficulties, because I do. But what helps me, is when I encourage myself with the word of God and when I encourage others. For I understand that God always works best when our faith is activated.  

So whatever fire or storm you are in, know that God is and will always be with you. The word of God says, “Praise the Lord! For he has heard my cry for mercy. The Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.8 The Lord gives his people strength. He is a safe fortress for his anointed king. Save your people! Bless Israel, your special possession. [a] Lead them like a shepherd, and carry them in your arms forever”(Psalm 27:7-9). Therefore, trust that the Lord has heard your cry and prayers. Know that he knows you can handle the storms and on the appointed time you will overcome. God will always be your refuge in time of trouble if you allow him to be in control and trust that he knows what best. Be strong and step aside. Be blessed.


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