In order to succeed in life, we need to follow
instructions and directions. At times, following instruction can be very
difficult, especially, when you are the type of person who likes to figure
thing out, on your own. On the other hand, when you are a detail oriented
person you can sometime, missed the “big picture”. However, if you only pay
attention to the “big picture”, you can miss the details. Regardless, of your
style of learning, Christ way is always, the best way.
Nevertheless, he encourages us to use wisdom. Wisdom teaches you how to balance out
everything you do. God directs and navigates us through our problems. But, if
you are not humble enough, you will miss your exit. And when you are on a
mission, you cannot afford to miss your exit.
The other day, I went to church and the Pastor shared with us six things
we should be mindful of when we are serving the Lord. He made it straight and
clear. It was helpful, because unconsciously we might only do one or the other
and miss our exit. That’s why it is
important for us to read carefully, follow all instructions and directions.
When you follow steps, it helps you to elevate and make progress in our life.
The steps to seeing God’s Glory:
1) Acknowledge God( recognize that he is
2) Service him hold heartily (we served God
by serving others)
3) Keep your motive pure (if you only serve,
to get something out of it, you’re only serving yourself)
4) Be Faithful (regardless of the results,
still trust in the Lord)
5) Realize that God chose you (he has a
specific purpose for each one of us to fulfill)
6) Be Strong (God has equip you with all you
need to succeed)
Now these are all simple steps, yet it can be
sometimes difficult to follow. I happen to share it with a friend and during
the conversation about her situation, we discovered, that when God choose, you
for a specific task you must know that has already equip you for the battle.
With that said, don’t allow the enemy to speak negativity to you, about who you
are and what you used to be. The devil is a liar, in Jesus name. Amen. We all
have a past, but when we accept Christ Jesus all old things has passed away and
all things become new. Hallelujah, praise his holy name.
Our daily activities should include following the
steps to help encourage us with our walk with Christ. For some of you, it might
be your faith, when you feel the intensity of fire blazing and you think, God
is not there. While, others needs to recognize that God has chosen you for a
specific task and you feel someone else should do it. Honestly speaking, there
are times, I need to stay and be strong. Nevertheless, be aware that God knows
you before you were born. He knows what assignments you can and cannot handle.
Rest assured that he has equipped you for the journey. Don’t fret, don’t worry, but be empowered and
continue to trust in the Lord. So as you
are faced with the trials of life remember the six steps to success. The Lord said, “Be strong and very courageous.
Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it
to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. 8 Keep
this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that
you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous
and successful. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be
afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever
you go. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid;
do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
(Joshua 1:7-9). So as the Lord, is with us, don’t be dismay about your
situation, follow all of God’s direction, advice, and allow him to navigate
you, through life. Be blessed and stay Strong.
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