As I look closer in this passage, I realize that there is a relationship between parent and children, to be obedient to the word of God. Regardless, of what a person say or think, children must obey their parents and God would make their days longer. Nevertheless, parents must not provoke their children, because God will also deal with you. The Lord made his rules very clear in the Bible and we must be obedient to follow all his instruction. When face with any dilemma, it best that we all take our problems and situations to him, because he can better deal with it.
He will correct what needs to be corrected, punish what needs to be punished, and restore what needs to be restored. But in order for us to see his powers manifest in our lives we must begin by forgiveness those who has hurt us the most. None of us is perfect and there are time we do things that upset God, but when we ask for forgiveness, he forgives us. So what makes you or I think if we hold a small or big grudge in our hearts against ANYONE that he will forgive us?
When it comes to our relationship with people it is not about who is right or wrong. But the key is for you to be able to forgive the person and move on. Forgiveness does not mean you will like the person, but rather you forgive them for what they have done. Train yourself, to give everything to God in prayers and he will work it out. Currently, many adult are still holding on to things that affected them when they were a child. Most were hurt by their parent, friend, family member etc. but, learn to let it go (forgive) and let God.
The Lord teaches us to obey our parents, we as children of God must obey him. For he guides, navigate, and direct us on a daily basis. And in order to see his full glory in our lives, we have to forgive everyone who has hurt us or ask for forgiveness, for those who we have hurt. Today take some time and speak to God about what is in your heart and allow him to make the changes. Most importantly listen to his instruction. Be blessed.
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