I will trust in the Lord, at all times!
I like to watch a show called “Untold Stories of ER”. There was one story that strikes me; there was a young man who was rushed to ER, non-responsive to any questions asked of him. He was in a cationic stage (only stared and no body movement). The only sounds came out his mouth was a lot scream of person who needs help. Every so often he would just scream out. His wife said he was healthy man. All test results were normal. The only thing left was to give him psychiatric meds in hopes that it would help him.
When the nurse went to administrate the meds and bent towards the man, she discovered a bug in one of his hears. Apparently, when the bug touches his ears drum he would scream. It was removed and when the man came to his conscious mind, he said, that he always had a fear of bugs begin in his ears, and when he realizes the bug was actually there he was overcome by fear and unable to talk about it. Due to his fear he became paralyze and could not have spoken to others to let them what had happened.
As I thought about his incidents, the thoughts ran through my mind of how many people are currently paralyzed by fear where they cannot speak to someone or ask for help. It a spirit from the devil himself, to keep people living in fear and this cause them to become paralyzed or cripple where they are unable to move. Even some of us who are believers, sometimes have things that we are afraid of. But we must remember that we served a God who is bigger than FEAR. I believe this a spirit that needs to be recognized and once you acknowledge that it is there, give it to Jesus.
We must get into the habit of reminding ourselves of word and promise of God which states,
“The LORD is my light and my salvation-- whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life-- of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psalms 27:1)
“The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” (Psalm 118:6)
“You who fear him, trust in the LORD-- he is their help and shield” (Psalm 115:11)
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."(Deut. 31.6)
“When I am afraid, I will trust in you. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me?” (Psalms 56:3-4) and the list goes on.
We have to encourage ourselves with the word to overcome that spirits of fear in our lives. There are times I get afraid, when I have to get something done, especially, when I have tackled that situation many times without any success. I start to get that feeling deep down, but then I begin to pray and remind myself if God is for me, who can be against me. I will tell you this much, I will not let anything stop me from overcoming. I will try and even without success the first time, I will keep trying again and again until I have the victory. The Lord has promised you and me many things, but the enemies try to make you feels as though God is not going to come through. But HE IS A LIAR FROM THE PITY OF HELL. MY Bible and the word of God tell me, though it tarries, it will come to past. I receive it in Jesus name. Amen. What about you? Are you going to allow fear to stop you? I hope NOT! Be blessed and speak to the Lord about your fears.
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