“for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25 whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, 26 to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus”(Romans 3:23-26).
It’s a blessing when you can release all your fears, guilt, frustration, disappointments and your faults to Jesus. When you give your life to Christ, Jesus he looks beyond your faults and see your needs. Nevertheless you cannot expect to surrender all to him but then hold back some things because you are ashamed. It doesn’t matter what people thinks or what they know, it matters what Jesus knows. It matter what he thinks above all.There is no secret we can hide from God. And there is nothing he hides from us when we seek him in spirit and in truth. Yes there are times when he reveals things to us, it hurts but the truth will always set you free because Jesus is the truth, the way and the light. God works best when we HONESTLY speak and confess our sins to him.
There is no way, we can say we surrender all to God and think that we can hide something and it wouldn’t affect us. Yes, we can hide it from man, but God, NO!!! Have you ever wonder why some people are struggling in life? They say they are children of God, they trust him yet they are suffering in many areas of their lives. It’s because they only surrender certain things to Jesus and decide to keep some things hidden. Again I say there is no secret you can hide from God.
My friends let me encourage you this morning not to hold onto something in your life. When you learn to surrender all to Jesus, you will be able to see the greatest changes in your life. God don’t come into your life to changes something and leave other things. Rather he makes everyone over brand new into his image. Again he looks beyond our faults and sees our needs. He is not here to judges us but to set us free. Don’t be fooled, that God can't see everything because he does.
He is actually looking for hearts that are open to him. Not perfect man or woman but those who are willing to acknowledge him in everything we do. Release all that are hidden and allow God to work on you. Many great men and women of God in the bible were all sinners, but when Christ steps in, he transformed them and he was able to uses them to bless many of us today through their testimony. Again he is not looking for “perfection”, because none of us is perfect, including me. We are all work in progress. Today sit and assist things in your life. If you find that things are not going according to way God has promised, search deep within inside of you and surrender all to Jesus. When you do, allow him to work and mold you into his image. Then you will see the changes you desire. Remember God always loves you. Be Blessed.
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