
Showing posts from September, 2016


In Christ, Jesus you are free! There are times we find ourselves on the battle field. It appears as though we are not going to make it. But the devil is always a liar. God is the only one who can rescue and bless you. He is unchangeable, unstoppable, unshakable, for he is God alone. There is none like him. Don’t be fooled that you have done too many wrong things and God cannot help or bless you. He has known us before the beginning of time. And when we confess our sin to him, he takes it away and separates it from the east as far as the west. Don’t be discourage or let anyone tell you that God has forgotten you. It’s not true, he loves us dearly. He promises us that he will never leave us or forsake us. So don’t be tricked into any lies of the enemies or his agents that say otherwise.  In fact the word of God say, “ And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, 14 having...

Secret Place

God will always keep you in His place! It doesn’t matter what’s coming against you or who is for you. Keep looking unto to Jesus. Know that he is your present help in times of trouble. Know that he is faithful. Know that you have to keep your eyes on Him, NO matter what! Yes people may not like you. Yes they don’t understand how you are still making it despite their negative words. Yes they don’t know your sacrifices of prayers, sleepless night or planting of seeds to see the changes you desire in your life and family. But guess what? It’s none of their business. Keep your eyes on Jesus. He is faithful and He will always have your back. Be encouraged today and know God will make away. Be Blessed. He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” 3 Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler[a] And from the perilous pest...


God is with you! Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God” Philippians 4:6 (AMP) Nothing is too big or too small for our God to handle. We serve a great and mighty God who can do all things. We can do all things through him when we allow ourselves to trust in his ways and to direct our paths. When we learn to let go and let God, we find that things work out for our benefit and for his glory. Don’t be discouraged. Don’t give in and don’t give up. Know that God is faithful.  When the mountain seems too high, the road is too long and the storm is raging, look unto Jesus for he is a way maker. Today be encouraged, keep trusting in the Lord and know all things are possible for those who trust in him. Be Blessed. 


Standstill and trust in the Lord with all your Heart! After every storm a person needs to rebuild. Either, their homes or whatever the storm had destroyed. There are times when we ourselves go through some storms, where the enemy had robbed us of our blessings. However, we cannot sit and cry but we have to strengthen ourselves in the Lord to go and recover. Once King David went out and fought a battle and after returning he saw everything he had, burned to the ground. His family and his soldier’s family were all taken. This was a divesting event, because he was a man of God. Likewise, many of us are God's people and we sometimes don’t expect negative things to happen to us. Especially, when we are doing the will of God and suddenly a storm hits us. Nevertheless, we must strengthen ourselves and go after what is rightfully ours. While David had lost focus on the storm and began to cried, some of the men promised to stone him. How many of us have lost something that was not ...


Trust in the Lord, and let your net down! As I was mediating on Luke 5:1-11, I was amazed when Jesus called his first disciples. I recognize that Jesus first spoke to the people by encouraging them with his word of God. And this helped to build their faith to believe. After this he instructed Simon to go out in deep and let his net down. Then Simon said because you said, I will.  Wow he just said if you say so, Lord, I will. He didn’t question the Lord, he just followed his instruction. How many times the Lord instructs us to do something and we loved to ask question and think it through. Instead of saying Lord because you said so, I will. His obedience to Jesus’ instruction caused him and the others with him to receive a huge harvest, where their nets begin to burst and they called those who were around them to be blessed. Even though, the Lord is calling me to bigger and better things, I sometimes loved to ask too many question. For now, I will have to remind myself not ...