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Always trust in the Lord
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6).Amen

There is nobody greater than Jesus, you can search all over but you wouldn’t find anyone like Him. God is a good God and he promises never to leave us or forsake us. When I sit and think of all the things God has done and is still doing in my life, it true that there is nobody greater than Jesus. And I must say thank you Lord for all you have done and is still doing for me and others around me.

My friends it a great joy when you know Jesus for yourself. It a security like no others. Even when it looks like you are going under, your faith to trust in him, let you know there is hope in your situation. Again I say there is nobody greater than Jesus. Who do you trust in? Do you trust in yourself or man? Or do you trust in the Lord? I pray that your trust is in the Lord Jesus at all times. Be blessed. 


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