

I am no longer Broken!!!


What is brokenness? Brokenness can stem from many things in our life. It can stem from traumatic experiences from childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, adulthood, and even old age. Brokenness is the pain and disappointment we feel or receive from others based on how they treat us, interact with us, or respond to us. Brokenness is the un-forgiveness, pain, hurt, malice, and things we refuse to let go of. Brokenness is the rejection, the abonnement issues, the sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and mental abuse. Anything that is not complete in your life represents brokenness.

I was broken because of many years of rejection, low- self-esteem, and trauma I experienced. I was a broken person searching and looking for love in all the wrong places and things. I was a broken mother, wife, friend, daughter, etc. But thank God for his amazing grace and mercies. There is a song that says, “I search all over, couldn’t find nobody, I look high and low still couldn’t find nobody, greater than you, Lord.” Hallelujah.

How many of you can identify with me? How many of you are searching for something, but there is no change, or are you not finding what you are searching for? Yes, things don’t change until we decide that we had enough. Not until you are tired of being tired do you do something about it. When you are tired of being a people pleaser, you do something. When you are tired of the abuse, you do something. When you are tired of listening to the lies that the married person you are with will leave his/her spouse for you, then you do something. Are you tired of being tired? Then you do something about it.

Changes come when you make up your mind to change. Not only do you have to make up your mind, but you also have to do something. You have to seek professional help if needed. You have to drop some people. You have to change some places you go. You must be willing to participate in your situation for it to change. Most importantly, if you believe in God, you must cooperate with Him.

 Some steps to take for changes to happen:

1.      Forgive yourself

2.      Forgive others

3.      Repent of things knowing and unknowing ( for believers)

4.      Don’t hold grudges or malice

5.      Don’t take offense and be offensive to others

6.      Be quick to apologize

7.      Take everything people say with a grain of salt ( meaning what they say is not the final say)

8.      Be willing to let go of what you think you know and willing to learn something new

9.      Have grace with yourself

10.  Seek professional help

My dear readers, to break cycles of old or bad habits, we must be willing to work through our healing process. We must understand that something is spiritual whether or not we want to believe it. We must understand some things are generational cruses. We must understand that the way we function is because behaviors are thought and learned. We must ask ourselves why we behave the way we do and be willing to work through the process.

In order to heal and become a healthy version of ourselves, we must be willing to change our MINDSET. The fact is no one is going to help you unless you are willing to acknowledge your disappointments and hurts and do something about it. As my favorite saying is, “You cannot give to someone what you don’t have, and they cannot give to you what they don’t have.” My question is, do you want to become healed from brokenness? If your answer is yes, disagree with the things that have you feeling broken and engage the mindset to become better than your circumstances.

I want you to know that it is never too late to become a better version of yourself. Remember, it takes months and years for some projects to be completed. Remember, your healing process is a journey and not a sprint race. You will be with yourself until it is time for you to leave this earth. Therefore, invest in your potential. I want to congratulate you on becoming a bigger, better, and healthier version of yourself.

Be bless!


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