
Showing posts from September, 2012


Please Sign For Your Package When we pray how many people are listening? 1 st it’s God (Father, Son and Spirit) 2 nd satan 3 rd You Praying is important but you have to be careful when you receive. Delivery Let’s suppose : You were praying for a man or woman. A few weeks later, you receive one. They look fine, agreeable, and appear to be what you prayed for. You said, Lord I thank you. This must be God. Soon after you realize the person has more problems and now causing you stress. What you thought was the jackpot, ends up being trash out of the garbage. God said : He doesn’t send garbage but riches. The next time you pray, make sure you check in with the Creator before you sign for the package(s). Be Bless Kerensa


Fly Quote: Flying higher causes you to see better As a baby bird you have to learn how to fly. But as an adult you are strong and know how to fly. Soon after you learn how to fly, someone tries to catch you in a trap. God says: Fly Higher Why: Sometimes in life you receive help from others, but as you improved they tries to discourage you. But keep flying higher and you will discover more success as you go higher. Be Bless Kerensa

Who Am I

  WHO AM I I am a child who believe in God I am a wife who loves I am a mother who loves I am your friend I am your neighbor I am your sister I am the one who believe that all thing is possible through Jesus I am the one who will keep searching I am the over comer and a winner I am one, who knows, whom, I belongs too I am the one He Loves I am the one who will trust I am the one who know the outcome of this story Now who are you? Be Bless Kerensa


Common Sense Each and every one of us thinks differently. Your sense and my sense are too different sense. For example : My common sense might tell me to cross the street when light is on red. While your common sense tell you to cross when light is green.   Whose common sense is right? The next time you want someone to do something for you, give them a detail direction on the way you want the task to be completed. Instead of saying, I thought you were going to use common sense. The most important sense is from our Creator. Be Bless Kerensa

Delete Button

Delete Button FYI: delete in your mind I once heard a Pastor preached and he said: you have to learn to how to delete things in your life that are producing(negative words people speaks). So I thought about it. This is what I found : It true! A computer crashes when it is overload. (Who do you call to fix it?) What about our mind. (Who do you call to fix it?) Why not learn how to DELETE in advance. Trust the creator and He will show you what to, and how to DELETE . For example : When you are caught up in he said she said . ( DELETE) When your boss nags that the work is not done right ( DELETE) When someone says something that upsets you ( DELETE) When your colleagues are speaking blah, blah, blah ( DELETE) When your spouse is nagging ( DELETE ) My example : Last week, I was trying to parallel park and this man pulled up to my car and said, I almost hit his car when he was double parked. You know what ( DELETE) The next a situation comes up to fr...

You but not Me

You but not Me You help me when I wanted help to get to the top. You showed me the ropes, how to climb and I thank God. Now you need me, I am unavailable Me, I thank you for getting me to the top. But I don’t need you because you might pass me. I was okay when you took the bus and I drove my Lexus. Now I am not okay with you because you want to buy a car. God said: Seek me and I will help you with no regrets. Be Bless Kerensa

Heaven Up

Heaven Up Yesterday, a child told me when he grows up he want to be a “ Shatta” I said to him are you sure that what you want to be and he replied yes. I said then what’s a “ Shatta” He said: “Gangster” I said then you better asks all the “Shatta ” in the commentary what up and they will tell you “Hell up” I said why not stay in school, study, excel and   become an educator or someone productive who can encourage others to do better and when they ask you,   what up?   You tell them “Heaven up” Be Bless Kerensa

Listening vs Hearing

God Listen and Hear us Do you every feel like you are praying and God doesn’t hear you. I ask the Lord why that is, and this is what He said: I could only hear you when you ask and only listening when you complain. He said: Let suppose you need a job and you told your friend you need a job. The next week your friend said I found Susie a job. You become upset and said s/he not my friend, because they know I need a job. The question is? Did you tell them you are looking for job and if s/he knows of any place that is  hiring. Or were you complaining and s/he listened. God said if you complain He listens, not until you ask can you receive. Next time you pray ask and receive. Be bless Kerensa

Nonsense Vs. Common Sense

Nonsense vs. Common Sense for people in relationship We are all born with five senses. Some of us use them all, while others use some of them. However, when it comes to decision making which sense will we use. We ask ourselves, should we use common sense or nonsense. Let suppose, you are in a relationship with a man or woman, and you are having many issues in the relationship. Which sense do you use? For example : In your relationship, your boyfriend or girlfriend doesn’t want to help you pay your bills but they have other nice ways. You decide to tell Nonsense and Common sense Nonsense Response : If I was you, I would let them go because they don’t worth it. After you follow nonsense, a week later nonsense is walking down the street with your ex. Common Sense Response : Why not ask them if they could help you this month with the bills and come up with a creative plan to work together. The best sense is God sense because he will give you wisdom, knowledge, and unders...

Don't Live By Feelings

Who are you? Do you feel like you are different from everyone else? Yet as you try to succeed everyone is against you. You smile and say hello, yet no one could understand you. You try your best to help others. Yet when you need help, they are not there. You listen to everyone and always give productive advices. Yet they never have anything good to say to you. You at work, doing what’s right, yet everyone hates you. Everyone is pink, yet you feel like blue. And they try to change you, yet you still like being blue. God says: the enemies have them there to pull you down. They hate you because God has bless you and given you, your own skills. They don’t want to make time to seek Him to discover their own skills. Instead they spent all their useless effort to steal yours. But the word of God say, who He bless not man cursed. Therefore, be the child, God wants you to be, and don’t worry about them. For each and every one of us is different. We are a puzzle pie...


My discovery about "Rest" " There is no rest, when you are on a conquest, you must concur your quest, before you rest" Be Bless and know that God love you. Don't worry about the problem because you have to concur and when you do,  you start all over again because you have to reach higher ground. My Prayers Dear Lord, I thank you for blessing all the people who is going to read about my thought on rest Lord. I ask if anyone is tired and need rest that they will seek you and know that there is sweet peace in your rest and you will give them strength to find their conquest. May you bless and keep them safe and give them sweet rest in Jesus name I pray Amen. Kerensa

The man who have triplets

The Man Who Had Triplets When I was younger I heard many females complaining about their husband, boyfriend and child(ren) father.   My prayers was the day God allow man to get pregnant I must be first in line to in-pregnant many men for free. Two days ago the Lord answered my prayers. This is what He said: Men do have babies, it is called PFF I said what is that? He said Pride, Fear and Frustration. The Lord explains these three children are triplets.   They cause many issues in a man’s life. He said man don’t carry baby and then give birth, like a woman. They walk around with PFF. Pride causes them not to ask for help. Fear causes them to stay broke, bust and disgust. And Frustration causes them to make poor decisions. This leads to destructive habits. For example: Pride causes them to be quiet and act like everything is good. Fear causes them to feel that they can do it alone.   Frustration causes them to think the grass green on th...

Work Place Gossip

Work Place Gossip Did you hear? 1. Do you work at a place where the head always blaming the bottom, for the organization problems? 2. Do you work for a place where they say they are structure, yet everyone is disorganized? 3. Do you work for a place where some colleagues pretend to work and they do nothing? 4. Do you work at a place where you feel like you inform them of everything, yet they never listen? 5. Do you work at a place where the only thing you hears are complains? Yet no say anything? 6. Do you work at place where there are problems and when you go to a meeting to bring up the issues, the complainers are quiet? If this is you I am here to answer your questions. I said Lord what is this, nonsense in the workplace He said: 1. If there is not structure at  top, there will be no  structure at the buttom. There will be disconnect on each level. Begining at the top, middle, and bottom.  Everyone will work in confusion. 2....