Delete Button

Delete Button FYI: delete in your mind
I once heard a Pastor preached and he said: you have to learn to how to delete things in your life that are producing(negative words people speaks).
So I thought about it. This is what I found:
It true!
A computer crashes when it is overload. (Who do you call to fix it?)
What about our mind. (Who do you call to fix it?)
Why not learn how to DELETE in advance.
Trust the creator and He will show you what to, and how to DELETE.
For example: When you are caught up in he said she said. (DELETE)
When your boss nags that the work is not done right (DELETE)
When someone says something that upsets you (DELETE)
When your colleagues are speaking blah, blah, blah (DELETE)
When your spouse is nagging (DELETE)
My example: Last week, I was trying to parallel park and this man pulled up to my car and said, I almost hit his car when he was double parked. You know what (DELETE)
The next a situation comes up to frustrates you. (DELETE< DELETE< DELETE)
The more you DELETE, the less viruses, you will have.
Just trust God and He will be your spam catcher, your anti-viruses, and what every else, to keep trash out.
LET’S DO IT TOGETHER deeellllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Be bless, Kerensa


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