The man who have triplets

The Man Who Had Triplets
When I was younger I heard many females complaining about their husband, boyfriend and child(ren) father.  My prayers was the day God allow man to get pregnant I must be first in line to in-pregnant many men for free. Two days ago the Lord answered my prayers. This is what He said:
Men do have babies, it is called PFF
I said what is that?
He said Pride, Fear and Frustration.
The Lord explains these three children are triplets.
 They cause many issues in a man’s life.
He said man don’t carry baby and then give birth, like a woman.
They walk around with PFF.
Pride causes them not to ask for help.
Fear causes them to stay broke, bust and disgust.
And Frustration causes them to make poor decisions.
This leads to destructive habits.
For example: Pride causes them to be quiet and act like everything is good.
Fear causes them to feel that they can do it alone.
 Frustration causes them to think the grass green on the other side, while it is dried up.
These three babies cause heart attack, grief, mental problems, diabetes, cancer etc.
These babies are born from their father satan.
Once you realize you are pregnant with these triplets you have to pray and ask the Lord Jesus to abort ASAP. Otherwise you have lots of grief as you raise them.
Be bless


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