Nonsense Vs. Common Sense

Nonsense vs. Common Sense for people in relationship

We are all born with five senses. Some of us use them all, while others use some of them.
However, when it comes to decision making which sense will we use. We ask ourselves, should we use common sense or nonsense.
Let suppose, you are in a relationship with a man or woman, and you are having many issues in the relationship. Which sense do you use?
For example: In your relationship, your boyfriend or girlfriend doesn’t want to help you pay your bills but they have other nice ways. You decide to tell Nonsense and Common sense
Nonsense Response: If I was you, I would let them go because they don’t worth it. After you follow nonsense, a week later nonsense is walking down the street with your ex.
Common Sense Response: Why not ask them if they could help you this month with the bills and come up with a creative plan to work together.
The best sense is God sense because he will give you wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
Be bless


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