
Showing posts from October, 2013


Tricks To Be Treated Jesus is sweet!!!!! Today many people want to celebrate. The question is, what are you celebrating? Do you realize what looks quite, can be the very thing that destroys you. People dress up in costumes and change their looks saying trick or treat. When you think of the word halo, what comes to mind? For me, I thought of something that is empty, but then I look up the meaning and this it was I found, “A circle of light surrounding the head of a saint or holy person”.  Then I look up the word halloween, “The night of October 31, celebrated by children who dress in costume and solicit treats door-to-door”. I thought of the similarity of how evil is always, trying to show, its fake powers. I thought to explore, that maybe someone who  didn't  had friends and had an  empty  m entally  like satan, came up with this holiday to trick people into thinking, it is fun. I thought of how this person said, let me...


 Looking Forward Lord, I surrender ALL to you! You don’t have to look back at your old life, when you already surrender to God. You don’t need to go back and look back at what you could have done better or change. Truth be told, you are right where you supposed to be. God knew that you would be here today. What you need to do is keep trusting in the Lord, and keep pressing forward, for that which you need is in front of you.  For we cannot change the past be we can change our future when our expectancy and faith is in Christ Jesus. Lately, I find my mind tends to go back to the past, but I told myself, my past is my past and my future is looking bright. I know it’s a trick from the enemy to make me feel like my life is getting nowhere. But the devil is and always will be a liar, in Jesus name.  My minds is made up that I am standing on Solid Rock, Jesus and I will not be moved. I know without any doubt that I cannot change my past, so I called my mind in Jesus ...

Not Alone

 Hope Your are never alone, God is with you! It’s so wonderful, when your hope is in the Lord, because you know that you are never alone.  When you are standing on the Solid Rock, Jesus Christ you don’t have to fear what is coming against you. You don’t have to panic and question why anything negative is coming your way. Rather, you just pray and worship and watch how God defeat your enemies.  Every good thing comes from God. But in order to receiving your blessings you sometimes have to go into the enemy camp and recovery it. Nothing good comes without any fight. Nothing comes to you, just like that. There are times you have to be persistence, you have to be determined. You have set your face and mind like a flint not to move, but, to look straight ahead. The enemy might try to knock you down, but you must get back up and keep moving forward. You must be like an express train, only stopping at you desire destination. Everything that looks impossible will becom...

Just Pray

Talk to Jesus Just talk to Jesus There are times, when fighting for your loved seems to be very difficult. It hurts more, when they very one you are fighting for is the one who is against. The word of God tells us, that we fight not against flesh and blood, but spiritual wickedness in high place. But I tell you, sometimes, when you are feeling the pressures you don’t want to hear what you are fighting against. Instead, you find yourself preoccupied with the problems.  Every word in the bible is true, yet there are times you find when it's comes to you it a different story. But guess what God words never changes. You don't have to take matters into your own hands. Rather encourage yourself with the word of God, and wait for the appointed time to speak. Holding your peace can be difficult but is possible when its God’s peace you are seeking. As I dealt with my struggles, times, after times, I heard “ He was oppressed and treated harshly, yet he never said a word. He wa...


 Mercy I will sing of mercy and justice; To You, O Lord, I will sing praises. 2 I will behave wisely in a perfect way. Oh, when will You come to me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart.(Psalm 101:1-2). What a blessings that God is always good to us. He said that he will never leave us or forsake us. He is always by our side. He knows everything and sees everything.  That’s awesome that we never have to worry about anything. But we can hope in the Lord always. Whatever situation is facing you, you don’t have to worry, but you can trust that God will rescue and deliver you. His mercy towards us is never ending.  And that’s it. We all go through struggles including me. But we can always pray about it and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit. Never get tired of seeking the Lord. Never get tired of asking him for help or guidance. Never get tired of telling him how much you need him in your life. Never, never, never, stop communicating with the Lord! Fo...


 Confusion We all all different, but Christ lives in us Misunderstanding can cause much confusion. And we must recognize it’s a trick from the enemy to make us upset, fight and argue with each other. Nevertheless, because we are children of God we have to power to walk in love, peace and harmony.  Many times, one person may say something and we take offense to it. Other times we just hear what the person is saying wrong. Instead of us asking for clarification we begin to fuss and argue. And right there the devil is having a field day because that’s what he wants. Love, peace and joy are the keys to living a fulfilled and peaceful life. We are people of different culture, background, ethnicity, etc. but we have one thing in common that’s Jesus Christ. He is always the same yesterday, today and forever more. He lives inside of us. We carry the same spirit. All we need to do is be like him. We might not like each other’s but we can love each other through the love of G...

My Trust

 God Stand on the Rock, Jesus “Truly my soul silently waits for God; From Him comes my salvation. 2 He only is my rock and my salvation; He is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved” (Psalm 62:1-2). There are times you feel like everything is coming against you. The more you push the more you feel like you  are not coming out. But the devil is a liar in Jesus name. Whom the Sun has set freed is freed indeed. As Believers and children of God we should not allow the lies the enemies is using to come at us.   We should not be afraid, but let our hope be stronger in the Lord.   The Lord told us he has given us the power to trample upon lions and scorpions, in name of Jesus.   And believe me; I will use every word and the name of Jesus against any darkness, which is trying to come my way. For when you know who you are and whom you belongs too, nothing coming against me or anything that belongs to me shall prosper, in Jesus name. My friends, I want ...

Invisible Backpack!!!

Cast your burdens unto to Jesus Here you are walking around with an invisible weight You feel heaviness but no one can see it You see a therapist Yet they cannot help You speak to family Yet they don’t see it You speak to your peers Yet no reliefs Yes, it is there, that backpack which weights over a tone. You just cannot see it. But it exists, and you can feel it.  Daily it speaks and let you know, it is there. But no worries today God is here. He said to see, Me you have to belief. Therefore, it is only He who has the power to destroy that heavy invisible backpack(s).  For it is true, in the scripture that says, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,[a] against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12 NKJV) . He said shake your back and began to call on the name of JESUS. For that which, is invisible with the natural eyes...


 Standing “To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul. 2 O my God, I trust in You; Let me not be ashamed; Let not my enemies triumph over me. 3 Indeed, let no one who waits on You be ashamed; Let those be ashamed who deal treacherously without cause” (Psalm 25:1-3). Have you ever notice when God begins to open new and better doors for you how the enemy seems to fight? But guess what keep moving forward and don’t look back. Don’t even look at what is coming against you but look at who is for you and that is Christ, himself.  I don’t know if lately you have been feeling like you are going under. But I am here to tell you don’t give in or give up. God has NEVER failed anyone nor will he fail you. Today you might be reading this and maybe feelings as though all hope is loss and hell is breaking lose. But guess what no weapons forming against you shall prosper. NOTHING, POINT BLANK!!!!! God never bring us this far to leave us. You have to recognize that’s a trick from the devil...


 Always under construction Jesus loves you, despite your faults “I love those who love me, And those who seek me diligently will find me” (Proverbs 8:17) God is awesome. Last year I wrote about how God corrects those he loves. And I must say God never ceases to changes. When he loves, he truly loves. Even when we make mistakes, God still come and look for us. He continues to bless and guide us despite our faults and mistakes. In fact the bible said he looks beyond our faults and see our needs.  Dear Lord, I thank you for always working with us despite or imperfections and faulty ways. Corrections is better than Destructions The word corrections cut deep within my soul. O’ how it hurts, but, I realize God only corrects those He loves. What is the point to see your child doing wrong and say nothing? Would you, allow your two year old to keep touching a hot stove, when you know they will get hurt? Of course not! You would correct them. The love you have...


 Appointment Spent time with Jesus “And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13). Amen We all have a busy schedule. Some of us work two jobs. Some work one and some are  full-time  parent, while some are single parent. It does matter what you do or how busy you are, the question is, are you making time to spend in the word of God? You have to make time in order to obtain guidance from the Holy Spirit. None of us is perfect and God does not expect us to be. However, if we want to see progress in our lives, we must make time.  We have to make time to read  the word, time to meditate, time to reflect, and time to receive guidance. This awesome and wonderful God we serve does not require much. He is not high maintenance.  He wants us to acknowledge him in everything we do. We don’t need to make any appointment, but we can access him anything, and anywhere. If you don’t know what to say, you can si...


The Walk Take a walk with Christ Walking is very important. A person must have the skills of endurance to walk, the walk, talk the talk for our loving Savior, Jesus Christ. The walk is not always easy but it is WORTH it. None of us is perfect but we believe and trust in the one Jesus Christ, who is. We must do our best to seek Him daily and when we have done wrong, go before His throne. I guess that why the Lord loved King David. He was not a perfect man, but when he did wrong, he quickly run into the presence of the Lord and that’s what many of us need to do. Don't be fooled by the enemy that if you are not perfect God wants no part of you. Instead, my friends it the opposite way, God wants you. God loves all of us, because He created us in His image. He said you are good. The bible teaches us that once we come to know Christ and acknowledge Christ as our Lord and savior our eyes are now open. This is what His words say in Ephesians 4:14-15, “ Then we will no longer be ...

Worry Not

God is in control Trust in the Lord, ALWAYS!!! There are times you find yourself worrying about a particular situation for no reason. But God instruct us not to worry but to cast our burdens unto him. We cannot turn back the hands of time. Nor can we change the past. However, we can hope for better in the future because we know that God holds the key to our future. How can God change your future? Simple all you need is faith. Faith like a mustard seed, to trust and believe in Jesus, despite what you are seeing, hearing, feeling or thinking, point blank!!! Don’t be fooled that there is no tomorrow, for there is. Whatever you need is in front of you not behind. When you find yourself, trying and trying without any success, don’t give up, but try again. Recognize that the devil don’t fight looser but winners. God knows the exact time, date, and season he will release your blessings. He does not give to us anything before time. But he gives it to us when he knows we really...


Words Love one another as Jesus loves The biggest weapon we possess is the words that come out of our mouth. Many of the time we use words to cut, kill and pull down each other. I couldn’t have to notice that when we take the letter S off of words and it comes to the front it spell SWORD. I wonder why? But God made no mistakes. As children of God we must be so careful of what we say and what come out of our mouth, for we can either bless someone or cause them with our words. Likewise we can either bless ourselves or curse ourselves with the spoken word. It’s no secret that the Bible told us, “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. 32 And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one...


Adapt Be open to the word of God It’s important to be flexible in order to see the blessings of the Lord. We all know that none of us is perfect, but we serve a God who is. We have to strive daily to do our best. As I observe a situation while working I came to the conclusion that if we are not flexible, we can miss out on our blessings.  Sometimes we all want to see changes, yet when God instruct us to do something, we tend not to listen. We find that because we are not familiar with what he is instructing us to do we do thing our way, and miss out our blessings. Sometimes I sit and wonder if I didn’t follow God’s instruction I don’t know where I would be. But I thank God because he is in charge of my life and everything that I do. It’s makes things much easier. For when he is in charge, I realize that I must be flexible, my heart must be open and I need to adapt to every situation accordingly.  If the Lord instructs me to go right, I must go. If he says to be stil...

Not Exempt

Go Through Not because you are a child of God or a Believer of Jesus Christ means that you are exempt from facing trials. No my friend, for the very fact that you believe on and in the word of God you will be tested. Not because God wants to punish you, but because his name will be glorified and you will reap the benefits. Have you ever notice when you are standing on the promises of God, how things something seems to be haywire. You find there are problems in your health, your family, your spouse, your finances, etc. You then find yourself questioning how God allows this. Not to mention the negative word from the naysayers. However, when you are trusting in God, it doesn’t matter what anyone or anything say. It only matter what he thinks, for he is the only one who knows how your story will turn out. In addition, your faith must be strong to trust in him because it also determines the outcomes. What are trials? It’s the things that want to frustrate you. It the negative r...

Not Forgotten

God knows your name Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the Lord our God.(Psalm 20:7) God loves you and me You are never forgotten because God knows your name. There are times during your darkest moments, you tend to question if God is for you or not? But I must say he is ALWAYS there, for he promises that he will never leave us or forsake us. You are never forgotten because he knows your name, your where about, your deepest thoughts, your darkest moments, your happy moments, and your so-so moments.  The key is to trust him. Trust that he will and is there with you during every trials. Yes, you can feel lonely at times, but know that God is always by your side. We all must go to trials, because without it, there is no testimony. It doesn’t matter how long you have been walking with Christ, know that trials are always there. How you go through it is a different story. Paul went through many, many trials and God did not fail hi...


 The Lord Forgiveness, releases stress The blessings and joy of the Lord makes one rich and adds no sorrows. There are times I sit and look at how far the Lord has brought me and I must say that had it not been for him, I don’t know where I would be.  Life always goes smother, when you know you have someone(Jesus) who is always on your side. When you know the battle is never yours, but it belongs to the Lord. My friends don’t believe for one second that you can handle or do everything on your own strength. For it is impossible. You will find yourself burned out, weary, frustrated, and the list goes on. But when you allow Jesus, Christ to navigate your path and direct, you can do all things because he has strengthened you. In order to see progress in your life you must be aggressive and determine. You must be willing to let go of old things and move forward, knowing that better is a head.  Un-forgiveness, angry, envy, and malice within your heart would do yo...


 Wonderful is He Have you ever notice that when God is not guiding your life, how you wonder around and around in circles?  But we must thank God for his blood and mercies. We must thank him because he always looks beyond out faults and see our needs. He looks beyond our complaints and bless us. He looks beyond our limitations and makes things possible. Don’t be like the children of Israel who wonder for 40 years in the desert. Know times have changes and God remains the same. He now dwells in each of us. We can access him any minute, anytime and anywhere. We know longer have to walk millions of miles or take any white dove to him. Rather he lives in side you and me. The question is, are you seeking his presence, his protection, his guidance or his peace?  God does not look for a perfect man, but he comes to save those who are lost, broken, lonely, challenged, in need of a shepherd and guidance. The Bible teaches us, that “ Jesus said to him, “I am the way, t...


 The Lord Walk and talk with the Lord “And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart” Jeremiah 29:13 Every day begins a new day and it provides a new opportunity for God to do something awesome in our lives. The amount of thing we have to complete each day can be difficult. But I realize when you begin each day a fresh and ask God for his help, things works and goes much smother. It where you have to speak to God and ask him for the strength for that day and give him thanks when the day is over. We must get into the habit of not worrying when the task we set aside was not complete in one day. We must realize that tomorrow is another day, and the day after that. We must trust God daily and know that every day he is with us guiding and directing our paths. None of us are superman or woman. It’s only so much we can do in our own strength. But with God we can do all things because he strengthens us. My day only goes smoothly because I m...


 Worship Transform your mind with the word On a daily basis, it so great that we can come before the throne of God and ask him for guidance and He never ceases to say no. He is our provider, supporter, helper, and healer. All in all he is and should be our everything. But I love Bible studies, it where you don’t ask God for nothing but you worship him for who he is. It is where you spend quality time, getting to know all the amazing thing he talk about us and just giving him praises because he loves us. For past several weeks we have been studying the book of Ephesians and it awesome.  It talks about God’s people and all those who are faithful to him. It also talks about the passion we have for God and how we have lost it. Nevertheless, we learn that God also corrects us on how we must and should act. And that’s why it is important for each of us to have a relationship with God. For none of us, is perfect, but, when our hearts are open to changes God always comes in...