
Be open to the word of God
It’s important to be flexible in order to see the blessings of the Lord. We all know that none of us is perfect, but we serve a God who is. We have to strive daily to do our best. As I observe a situation while working I came to the conclusion that if we are not flexible, we can miss out on our blessings.  Sometimes we all want to see changes, yet when God instruct us to do something, we tend not to listen. We find that because we are not familiar with what he is instructing us to do we do thing our way, and miss out our blessings.

Sometimes I sit and wonder if I didn’t follow God’s instruction I don’t know where I would be. But I thank God because he is in charge of my life and everything that I do. It’s makes things much easier. For when he is in charge, I realize that I must be flexible, my heart must be open and I need to adapt to every situation accordingly.  If the Lord instructs me to go right, I must go. If he says to be still, I must. You see my friends, if we don’t incline our ears to listen to the voice of the Lord we would find ourselves in deep water, trying to swim.

The key to living a prosperous life is to be obedient. You must do as the Lord say because he knows what best. He sees all and knows what will happen. He wants to guides us into safety. Many of the times we don’t see what we are praying for because we cannot adapt ourselves to the Lord’s instruction. We are too rigid in our ways and thoughts process. But the Lord told us, our thoughts are not his and his are not ours. And that’s why we need to incline our ears and follow his way.

Whatever trials you are facing, I encourage you to go back into pray are check with the Lord to see if you are following his direction. See if you are doing things his way as suppose to the way you know. We cannot expect to learn if we cannot follow our leader, Jesus who is there to guide and protect us. The word of God says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children” (Hosea 4:6).  Therefore my friend, don’t reject the word of God, don’t be rigid in your ways but be open to the voice of the Lord and follow his instructions. Be Blessed.


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