
Image result for heart
Good seeks an open  heart!
 “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. 8 “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. 9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons[a] of God. (Mathew 5:7-9)

When we have a clean and righteous heart before the Lord, everything we desires fall into place. Clean heart means to be open with God, confessing our sins to Him. Being honest about what we like and dislikes. Just basically being truthful with ourselves and not trying to hide anything from God.  Besides, God sees EVERYTHING! We have to learn how to surrender all to Jesus. We have to clean our heart, so we can be open to what God have in store for us. When we walk around feeling heavy, there isn’t much we can get accomplish, because we find ourselves caught up trying to figure things out. Instead of, allowing God to work through and work out our burdens.

My friends, God does not look at our outer appearance but our inner man (heart). Don’t be fooled that it is okay to walk around with things inside that you need to let go of. Ask the Lord to help you keep a clean heart and to renew a right spirit in you daily. Remember God does not look for perfection, but any open heart. For none of us is perfect including me.  Whatever you have in your closet, do some soul searching and ask God to help you clean, and when you do you will feel much lighter and much more refreshed. Dare to trust God in everything. Keep a clean heart and be blessed.


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