
Showing posts from January, 2017


Surrender all to Jesus My friends don’t worry or try to figure everything out in your life. Rather pray about everything and allow God to deal with your situation. Don’t be caught up in the “ifs” and the “maybes”. Rather let your concerns be known unto to Jesus and let him deal with the situation. Start to speak life in your situation and seek God’s guidance on how to handle the matter. Remember you are never alone because if God is for you who can be against you. Don’t allow negative thinking or believe distort your trust to believe in God. There is none like him. Yes there are times you will be tested, but let it be rooted in your heart that God never changes but he stay the same, yesterday, today and forever more! Sometimes if I don’t stop the negative thought of the enemy from bombarding my thoughts I end up in trouble. It’s not always easy because they enemy tries to sneak up and he tries to make me worry when there is no need. We must recognize that there is power in the...


Always trust in the Lord! When you are focused you can overcome any situation or any storm in your life. You may be asking what that is. Well to be focus one must be determined. You must have your mind made up, that whatever comes your way you will not be moved, in Jesus name. Yes it can be easier said than done. But with Christ all things are possible for those who believe. Determination is the strength to believe that you will get that break through regardless, of what others say. Determination is that attitude, that if God is for me who can be against me. Determination is the belief that if there is away I will find it, if I keep knocking the door will open. My friends, nothing comes in life easy. There are times when you want to give up, but the spirit of determination will not allow you. You might fall down but you get right back up and fight again. You might feel like it years, but determination makes it feel like seconds. Whatever you wanted in life you must be determin...


Seek Jesus! “It is a joy for the just to do justice, but destruction will come to the workers of iniquity” (Proverbs 21:15) God is such an awesome and great God. Sometimes as I look around I see a great deal of unjust situation around. But we don’t need to justify it for ourselves. Rather we give it to Jesus. We must be confident that God can fight our battles and he will give to us the justice that we deserve. The bible teaches us that we must pray for others, especially those who willfully use us. As there are times when we can question what sense does that make. But I tell you my friends, it makes a lot of sense when it’s God who is your vindicator. Daily we all face with many challenges. We must choose to do what’s right or wrong. But at end day we as Believer must make sure we are doing what's right because we have a higher calling. We must override our feelings to do that which we want and do what the Holy Spirit is leading us to do. It’s is not always easy but w...


God loves you and me! We all are different people from different ethnic background and culture. Some of us are different sizes. We have different personalities. Yet when we have Christ Jesus we have one common language. Most of us have Jesus in common and somehow we speak the same languages when it comes to Him. The amazing thing about God, is he never discriminates or judge us because on our personalities. Rather he loves us unconditionally. What he has done for one, he will do for another once we are trusting in him. There is no favoritism in his speech, rather he talks about those who diligently seek him he will rewards us. God creates us in his own image. He look upon us and said we are all good. Despite being different, we all came from him. The word of God encourages daily to love one another, pray for each other and to live in peace. Nevertheless, you find people at war every day for no particular reason. There are only blindsided by the tricks of the enemy to cause con...


“Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.”(Psalm 50:15) Keep trusting in Jesus   When you are in trouble, who do you call? Do you call a friend or family member? Or do you call on Jesus? Well you better learn to call on the name of the Lord, for he will deliver you in your times of troubles. God has delivered many of us out of troubles a million times. Yet when we are faced with another situation, we sometimes tend to panic. We get scared, we worried and sometimes we run from the trials.  But guess what, there’s no need to worry or panic, when you know who you are and whom you belongs too. There are times when I find myself in a situation and I begin to panic, if I don’t snap out of it, it would take me over. Each time, I remind myself of the word and promises of God. I know if he brought me out the previous battle, he will bring me out of this one. And as easy as it sounds, I can be difficult, if you are caught off guard and y...