
“Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.”(Psalm 50:15)

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Keep trusting in Jesus
 When you are in trouble, who do you call? Do you call a friend or family member? Or do you call on Jesus? Well you better learn to call on the name of the Lord, for he will deliver you in your times of troubles. God has delivered many of us out of troubles a million times. Yet when we are faced with another situation, we sometimes tend to panic. We get scared, we worried and sometimes we run from the trials. But guess what, there’s no need to worry or panic, when you know who you are and whom you belongs too. There are times when I find myself in a situation and I begin to panic, if I don’t snap out of it, it would take me over. Each time, I remind myself of the word and promises of God. I know if he brought me out the previous battle, he will bring me out of this one. And as easy as it sounds, I can be difficult, if you are caught off guard and you didn't expect an argument.

Nevertheless, you don’t need to panic or question what you are doing wrong. You must know you are on the right path and the devil just wants to distract you. When you are standing on the promises of God and you are trusting in him, nothing form against shall prosper. You must be prepared for anything at anything. You must stay in prayers and meditate on his words day and night, so when any situation comes your way you will call on the name of Jesus.

My friends don’t let anything stop you from trusting in the Lord. Don’t reason with the word of God. But trust it’s the truth. He is the one, and true living God. When situation or storms arises, remember your previous victory. Remember how he brought you out that one and know he will bring you out this one. Never try to take matters in your hands, but surrender it to Jesus. What storms or trials are you facing? Call on the name of Jesus and see what he can and will do for you. What he has done for one, he will do for you. Don’t lose hope but trust in the name of Jesus. Be blessed.


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