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Hope in the Lord, at all times
May all who come to you be glad and joyful. May all who are thankful for your salvation always say, “How great is God!” I am weak and poor; come to me quickly, O God. You are my savior and my Lord hurry to my aid!(Psalm 70:4-5, GNT)

How great is our God. Yes my friends, our God is great and we must learn to anchor our faith and trust in Him. Despite the ragging of the storms and roaring of the winds, learn to stand firm, trusting that God is in control. It is in the midst of our trials, do we have to hope even more in Christ. For at the right moment, He will calm every storms (situations) that IS causing us to fear. Cast NOT your fear in man, but, fear in the Lord, for He will direct your path. Be encourage today and be of good faith knowing that God is always with you and He loves you. Be blessed.


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