
May Month Prayer

Hallelujah to the King of glory. Who is the king of glory? The Lord strong and mighty in battle. Hallelujah. Mighty Jesus you are awesome and beautiful. We appreciate you and bless your beautiful name. We thank you for your faithfulness. Glory hallelujah. We thank you for allowing us, our family, friends, loved ones and everything attached to us to enter into this new month safely. We thank you that in this 5th month of grace no weapon forming against us shall prosper. Hallelujah. We thank you that every wall and giants will fall. We thank you for moving all mountains. We thank you for breaking all strong holds. We thank you for Your blood that never loses it power. We thank you that the gate of hell will never prevail. We thank you that there is no other God powerful like you. We thank you that when we trust in you, whom shall we be afraid of? Nothing and no one, because we serve a powerful and mighty God. Glory,hallelujah. God not our will but let your will be done IJN. Amen. We than


    In life, you will experience many disappointments. But the one person you cannot afford to disappoint is yourself. When everyone has let you down, you must learn to encourage yourself. What does disappointment look like? It looks like when people reject you, when people abandon you when people believe you will turn out to be nothing good, when people on your job try to sabotage your work, when your family doesn’t support you, when people who you have help and though is your friend tells lies on you etc. Disappointment can look different to each of us depending on how you view and see your situation.   I love to talk about my situation because it helps me heal, grow, and develop into the woman God says I am. All my life, I have been disappointed by people. People who don’t believe in me. People who spoke negativity into my life from childhood. People whom I have helped told lies to me. During my school years, people (teachers) thought I would not become anything useful. Even


  Sometimes, in your life, no one will be by your side. Are you someone who loves to help others and make yourself available to extend your time, resources, finances, etc.? But when you find yourself in a situation where you are looking for others to help or assist you, they are nowhere to be found. Yes, you called them, but they are too busy. You ask them to help you, and they suddenly don’t have? Yes, those friends and family you thought had you back, but in times of need, you are by yourself, angry with them because you thought they had you. Learn to let go of the hurt and anger today before it kills you.  A Bible passage says that God will never leave you or forsake you (Deut. 31:3). It is a true scripture to examine when things are not working. Sometimes, the only people you can speak to are yourself and God. I have discovered that people will use and misuse you based on their own needs and agenda, and that’s why healing is important. When you don’t heal or go through your p


  When we are broken people, we find it easy to neglect ourselves and focus on others we believe are needier (broken) than us. I have spent over thirty years helping others while neglecting myself. Why? Because I wanted people to accept me (people-pleasing), and I thought in my brokenness that it was God's plan for me to help others while I neglected myself. Not to mention, it is sometimes easier to focus on others rather than the skeleton (s) in our closet. How many of you agree it is easy to help someone else we believe is in a needier place than us? We fail to realize that it’s a trick from the enemy to distract us from becoming who God has called us to be. It’s a derailment to help others while we are drowning. It’s like us giving people a lifeline while we need CPR. Sometimes, we give and give and don’t receive anything in return, which is why we ask ourselves, why poor me? The question is, why not poor you? Because people will only treat you based on how you treat yours

Battlefield of the MIND

  Most of the time, the battles and wars we experience are on our minds. Our mind is like a battlefield that allows us to view the world from a victim or victorious mindset. When we experience abuse and trauma, and we haven’t healed, we look at things from a broken mindset. Everything and everyone looks the same based on our mental view of things.   A bible scripture says we cannot pour new wine into old wineskin because it will burst. And that happens to millions of us when we are not healed. We must pour out the old toxic mindset; otherwise, we will break down or burst. Burst into self-pity, burst into becoming a victim, burst into anger, bittiness, un-forgiveness, and the list goes on and on.   In order to experience the new, you must be willing to let go of the old things—your old mindset, worldview, old you, etc. You must be willing to unlearn what you think you know and learn something new. That does not mean that everything will be for you. No one formula fits everyone. Yo

How to Self-care

What is self-care? When we think of self-care, we usually think of a vacation, going to the spa, shopping, or spending time alone. This can be true, but how do you care for yourself when you constantly put everything and everyone in front of you? Whether it is your spouse, family, children, friends, work, etc. Some people consider self-care selfish, but no one will care for you if you don’t care for yourself. There was a time when I cared for everyone, expecting myself. Don’t get me wrong, I still care for others, but I ensure self-care first. When I was people-pleasing, I set no boundaries; I wanted to please everyone except myself. Whether someone asked me to do something, I did it. Whether I was exhausted, I got the task done. One day, I realized I was running on empty, and no one cared. I remember writing a post about not being the energizer bunny, and I didn’t understand then that I was speaking to my inner spirit. People-pleasing can be very dangerous to your mental, physical, an

How to Forgive

      In order to heal from past traumatic experiences, you must master the skills of forgiveness. Many times, we hear that forgiveness is not for others but for us, which is true. However, can you forgive others when you haven’t forgiven yourself? The answer is NO. No, because you cannot give someone what you don’t have. A scripture in the Bible tells us to do unto others as we do ourselves. Most times if we examine ourselves and check, we give to others expecting they will give back to us. Most of the time, when we function in that mindset, it is because we are broken and haven’t spent time to heal from past trauma, hurt, disappointment, etc. If we honestly think about it, we will allow people to miss treat and misuse us, because we haven’t exercise treating ourselves with kindness, gentles, forgiveness, and grace. We must first understand that others will treat us the way we treat ourselves. This is minus our child-like mindset. When we are children, we act like it, but when we be