Battlefield of the MIND


Most of the time, the battles and wars we experience are on our minds. Our mind is like a battlefield that allows us to view the world from a victim or victorious mindset. When we experience abuse and trauma, and we haven’t healed, we look at things from a broken mindset. Everything and everyone looks the same based on our mental view of things.

 A bible scripture says we cannot pour new wine into old wineskin because it will burst. And that happens to millions of us when we are not healed. We must pour out the old toxic mindset; otherwise, we will break down or burst. Burst into self-pity, burst into becoming a victim, burst into anger, bittiness, un-forgiveness, and the list goes on and on.

 In order to experience the new, you must be willing to let go of the old things—your old mindset, worldview, old you, etc. You must be willing to unlearn what you think you know and learn something new. That does not mean that everything will be for you. No one formula fits everyone. You must learn to take what you need and work with it, and what you don’t need, toss it.

 Many times, we are stuck because we believe things have to be done the way we see it and the way we view it. For instance, we know that one +1+1 = 3. But for some of us, it can be 1+2=3 or broken down into more minor numbers. We must figure out how we learn and process information and make it work mentally, emotionally, and physically. For instance, when learning something new, I need someone to teach me hands-on, and I learn faster than if I had to read it.

 Therefore, you must ask yourself what you must change to become a better version of yourself. Remember my favorite phrase, “You cannot give someone what you don’t have, and they cannot give you what they don’t have.” You cannot expect someone to love you when you don’t love you. You cannot expect someone to forgive you when you haven’t forgiven you. You cannot give happiness when you are not happy for yourself. I hope you are getting the point. You must be everything you want people to be to you, first to yourself. How do you do it? You must learn and practice it daily until it becomes YOU.


Some Steps to a Healing Mind:

1.   Let it go by learning to forgive yourself and others
2.   Repent (if you are a Christian)
3.   Be patient with yourself
4.   Be willing to learn new things
5.   Practice self-care daily or often






Remember, all battle(s) begin in your mind, and you must end it there. You end it by letting things go and learning new skills and ways to cope with daily troubles in life. The only person who can help is you. You must make a conscious decision to want to become better, participate in your healing, and seek professional help if needed. PERIOD. I want to encourage you today as you decide to heal and become better by saying this is your first step, and congratulations.


Stay bless!



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