Class Is Now In Session

We are ready to be engaged!!!
What’s Your Role?
At present, there is perpetual disengagement among people, regarding the responsibility of teaching children. What is your current role? Are you an educator, teacher, leader, advocate, etc.? What role do you want to play? Are you a mom, dad, aunt, uncle, friend etc.? For the kingdom of God is looking for individuals, who want to transform the lives of children, in the world.  We must "built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone" (Ephesians 2:20).  God is a great teacher, who teaches us to teach others.

The word of God says “start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it (Proverbs 22:6).  Let us take a closer look at these word “start”.  But first we must recognize where teaching begins and who can teach.
1st Teaching begins at home! Most children learn from what they see and not what is told to them (like when  you are  smoking and you telling them not to smoke; but you are upset when you see them smoking). If the Lord wanted children to learn everything at school, after birth mom and dad would kiss their baby good bye and upon leaving the hospital, the baby would be discharge to their school district. (lol)
2nd Teachers are educators. They are there to demonstrate/ illustrate the learning materials so a student can enhance their learning capacity to better themselves.
3rd Both parents and teachers are educators.
Key: We have to work together. The wisest man in the world, King Solomon say even after you have taught a student everything you know, s/he has to take what they have learned and build upon it. Therefore, as we learn in life, we have to build upon what we were taught. In order words, teacher is there to teach and parent is there to guide their children in the right way to learn and obtain the knowledge skills needed to succeed in life. Let's work together for the betterment of our children.  And remember the first teacher a child have, is at home. Be blessed.


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