Shopping List

Don't Forget Christ

Holiday List
This is the season, where many expect to give or receive a gift. Here you are busy shopping for this holiday season. Your list is long, but you can’t make up your mind on what to give some family members. For some of you, it is easy because you don’t speak to them anyways. Others will give a cheap or recycle presents. While others shows loves.
Nevertheless, remember to give your family to God, for He is the giver of all givers. He is the Blesser of all blessings. The challenge is not to choose which family you like and don’t like. But to be obedient to God’s will for you and your family members. The object is to show them Christ love. It’s a blessing when you have family. For it is said, that blood is thicker than water.
Let's look at it this way, it doesn’t matter how much you try to separate yourself from your family, the blood runs in your veins. How many of us has heard, or read about John 3:16For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life”.
Love is the key ingredients for us to demonstrate Christ Love to our loved ones. But let's us understand the meaning of it this seasons.Let us express and show His love, and not look to our pockets (if you can do both great, but don’t beat up yourself ). Don’t go broke trying to show material love when emotional love of Jesus is better. I challenge you to give your loved ones to Christ, for He can give them more than you can give them. He gives the gift of eternal life. So your job for today is to see how you can be cooperative with God and love your family members. Be blessed


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