
Showing posts from January, 2014

New Things

 Changes Jesus is Lord.... Everyone likes to have new things. But in order to receive new things you have to buy it or work towards it. When we accept Christ, Jesus all things become old in our lives and everything becomes new. As God mold and changes us into his images, people can see the changes in our life. Sometimes, is not necessarily event right away, but as time progress, there are evident of changes in your life. You don’t speak the way you used to. You don’t hang around negativity. Instead your speech changes to more positive speech of God. You begin to trust him more and more because you begin to understand who he is, and you begin to see his glory shinning in your life. There is no friend or god, like Jesus. As I reread the Bible passages that say, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was[a] on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters” (Genesis ...

Don’t be Afraid

 Trust Stand on the Rock, Jesus... There are times, when some situations want to overtake you or want you to worry. But you must not be afraid. Instead surrender all to Jesus and trust in him. Don’t matter what comes your way do not give into the feelings of fear or the negative thoughts of the enemy. Know that when God is for you, who can be against you. My mind is made up that this year, I will trust in the Lord more than I did last year. I know he has brought me out of many storms, and he will do it again and again as I put my complete trust in him. It’s doesn't matter what my situation looks like or what I am going through, I know my God, will deliver. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and David will deliver. My friends, you must build your faith on the Rock, of Christ Jesus. So when the winds and storms hits, you shall not and will not be moved. The Lord gives to each of us, our own faith, and how we use it depends on us and it will determine the outcomes of our proble...


 In Times of Trouble Let your 911, be JESUS... “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.”(Psalm 50:15)   When you are in trouble, who do you call? Do you call a friend or family member? Or do you call on Jesus? Well you better learn to call on the name of the Lord, for he will deliver you in your times of troubles. God has delivered many of us out of troubles a million times. Yet when we are faced with another situation, we sometimes tend to panic. We get scared, we worried and sometimes we run from the trials. But guess what, there’s no need to worry or panic, when you know who you are and whom you belongs too. There are times when I find myself in a situation and I begin to panic, if I don’t snap out of it, it would take me over. Each time, I remind myself of the word and promises of God. I know if he brought me out the previous battle, he will bring me out of this one. And as easy as it sounds, I can be difficult, if y...

Never Give Up

Time  You got the VICTORY, in Jesus name.... Have you ever prayed for something and you got it right away and then another time you pray and it seems like you are not receiving it? Well guess, what never give up and never stop trusting in the Lord. There are times, we feel that we want something right away but God does not give to us what we want when we want. But he will release it when he thinks we are ready. Our blessings do not come late but one time. But when you do not trust the time of your situations seems to be never ending. But that’s when you must take your eyes off your problem and keep it on Jesus. Seven years ago I wanted my State Board Licensee. I went over twelve times, yet NOTHING! But I held on to the God word, which states whose report, will I believe and I said the Lord. But guess what it never occurred to me that after six years and numerous times of trying I will receive it. Praise God that in December, I sat the exam and two weeks ago, I receive my...


 One Language Be Christ like in your walk.... We all are different people from different ethnic background and culture. Some of us are different sizes. We have different personalities. Yet when we have Christ Jesus we have one common language. Most of us have Jesus in common and somehow we speak the same languages when it comes to Him. The amazing thing about God, is he never discriminates or judge us because on our personalities. Rather he loves us unconditionally. What he has done for one, he will do for another once we are trusting in him. There is no favoritism in his speech, rather he talks about those who diligently seek him he will rewards us. God creates us in his own image. He look upon us and said we are all good. Despite being different, we all came from him. The word of God encourages daily to love one another, pray for each other and to live in peace. Nevertheless, you find people at war every day for no particular reason. There are only blindsided by the t...


 Renew God wants your heart to renew.... When you are in Christ, Jesus you are a new creation. Everything that you used to be is changed into something new and great. When we give our lives to Jesus, he is the Potter and we are the clay. He spins us into a new vessel. But before he makes us over he makes sure everything that is imperfect he gets rid of. If it was hurts, he takes it away and gives joy, peace and happiness. If it is poverty, he takes it away and gives richness. If it is sickness, he takes it away and gives excellent health, etc. Whatever it is God takes it away and put in his best. Notice I did say perfection because he is the only perfect one. But he makes us into his image of greatness. Before I give my life to Jesus I was a mess. I though you have to be perfect and good. But little did I know it was a trick from the enemy to keep me away from God. Nevertheless, when God is ready to transform your life nothing can stop it. For he said no one comes to him...


 God is. Jesus, is your judge.... “It is a joy for the just to do justice, but destruction will come to the workers of iniquity” (Psalm 21:15) God is such an awesome and great God. Sometimes as I look around I see a great deal of unjust situation around. But we don’t need to justify it for ourselves. Rather we give it to Jesus. We must be confident that God can fight our battles and he will give to us the justice that we deserve. The bible teaches us that we must pray for others, especially those who willfully use us. As there are times when we can question what sense does that make. But I tell you my friends, it makes a lot of sense when it’s God who is your vindicator. Daily we all face with many challenges. We must choose to do what’s right or wrong. But at end day we as Believer must make sure we are doing what's right because we have a higher calling. We must override our feelings to do that which we want and do what the Holy Spirit is leading us to do. It’s is no...


 Promises of God Trust in the Lord, at all times.... Despite your trials and tribulations, you must learn to stand on the promises of God. We serve a great and mighty God. There is none like him. He is the great high priest. He is the one who can changes things when we pray and cry out to him. Just as the three Hebrew boys went through the fire, so must we. Just as Job had lost everything and God restore it all, so will God restore for us. What were they doing, that God helped them? Well they were standing on the promises of God. They trust in God, despite what they were seeing, hearing and feeling. They didn't allow anything or anyone to stop them from trusting that God will deliver them. Sometimes we are standing on the promise of God, where he says he will never leave us or forsake us. Or he is always with us, guiding and holding our hands. Yet, when we begin to feel the intensity of our problems, we begin to question God. We tend to question if he is truly God ...


 Receive it You are free in Christ Jesus Freedom, give us the liberty to do what we want. However, freedom comes with a price tag; if you are not careful how enjoy it. Nevertheless, there is no freedom, like Jesus freedom.  He gives us the freedom to choose life, and to live it more abundantly. Freedom to know, that it doesn't matter what happens, you are sure to live and not die. Freedom to know that no matter what comes your way it will not prosper because God has set you free.  Freedom is so importantly today because without it you will be living in bondage, where the storms of life will take you over. But because of the blood of Jesus, because of his grace and mercies, because of the cross, my God, we can experience life to its fullest capacity. Yes, we will face trials, but we have to power to overcome. Yes, there will be trouble in our homes or finances, but God will make away because he promises  never leave us or forsake us. In fact the word ...


 Awesome Run to Jesus... We serve a mighty and awesome God who reigns over you and me. There is no other god who can compare to Him. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He is the bright and morning star. He is the Lilly of the valley. He is the great I AM. He is the One who is and the One who is to come. Blessed be His Holy name. Yes, we must praise the One and True living God, Jesus Christ. We must lift up His great name. We must acknowledge him, in everything we do. For without him many of us wouldn't be here. Without his grace and mercies, I sure could not be here. Because of the price he has paid for my freedom, I will bless his wonderful name. Can I get a witness? Glory hallelujah! Glory to the King of kings and the Lord of lords! There are times, when you wake up and all you can do is to give God glory for what he has done for you. There is no shame to who Christ Jesus is. Yes he is alive and real, and to experience his greatness and holiness, you must acknowledge him. ...


 God is with you There is POWER in the Word  of God.... “And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word” (Acts 4:29). God is amazing and his love for us endures forever. There are times when situation arise in our life and we must confront it immediately. Don’t wait to assess it rather nip in the roots ASAP before it grows and become a tree. How many of you could recall that when you were in the world you were bold. The minute anyone looks at you the wrong way, you were ready to cut them up with either a look or words. Yes, I raised my hands. Some of you might still be that way, but when the enemy sends trouble your way, your mouth is closed. You begin to cry and in some cases you tell others your problems, well known that they can’t help you. Well guess what, the same boldness you have or would have had, use it to against the enemy. Open your mouth and command everything not of God to be uprooted and retur...


 Relax Relax with Jesus.... Many times we try to do so much in our own strength, only to find that we are tired and worn out.  We must come to the realization that we cannot complete everything in our own strength and we must seek the presence of the Lord, daily to help guide and direct us. Sometimes we just need some alone time with the Lord to regain our strength.  We need to just spend time in his presence, worshiping, mediating or just simply sit down and talk with him. When we make time to relax and seek the Lord’s presence he will renew our strength, like no other. We will find peace, rest and most important we would be prepared for any battle that comes our way. We must make time to relax and gather our thoughts together, making sure that we seek out the Lord’s help and guidance. The word for today is simple, make time and spend with the Lord. Have a sit down and converse about what going on in your life. Let him know how much you love and need him. ...


 Over Time Is your hope in the Lord?... “just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, 5 having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, 6 to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved” (Ephesians 1:4-6) Wouldn't  it be awesome if you woke up one day and all that you need is right in front of you? All your bills paid on time, no sickness, no problems, etc. Of course it would be. Everyone wants their hearts desires to be fulfilled. Some people work for it, some just let it go and others take it by force. The best way is to surrender all to Jesus. Place all your hopes, dreams, desires and everything in his hands because you are sure to receive that which you need. Nothing comes easy in life, but when you trust in the Lord, you will see evident that he is faithful and he does what he s...


 Mind Jesus is the answer!!!! When you are focused you can overcome any situation or any storm in your life. You may be asking what that is. Well to be focus one must be determined. You must have your mind made up, that whatever comes your way you will not be moved, in Jesus name. Yes it can be easier said than done. But with Christ all things are possible for those who believe. Determination is the strength to believe that you will get that break through regardless, of what others say. Determination is that attitude, that if God is for me who can be against me. Determination is the belief that if there is away I will find it, if I keep knocking the door will open. My friends, nothing comes in life easy. There are times when you want to give up, but the spirit of determination will not allow you. You might fall down but you get right back up and fight again. You might feel like it years, but determination makes it feel like seconds. Whatever you wanted in life you must b...

Sweet Victory

 Only God God's victory is the best..... God is wonderful and don’t matter what you are facing I want to encourage you not to stop trusting in the Lord. Yes, the Lord told us that we must write our vision down and though it may tarry it will come to past. You must believe what he says is true and his words never return to him void. When God have given to you victory in any situation you are facing it is sweet, sweet, sweet! There are some things, I wrote down and to God be the glory, I have gotten the victory, thanks be to Jesus Holy name. Amen. Yes, sometime the years of wait might feel like forever. But when your trust and hope is in the Lord, time doesn't matter. What matter is being persistence, determine to overcome despite what you are seeing, feeling and hearing.  But most importantly, you must have the faith to trust in the Lord. The courage to press forward and the strength to keep knocking until a door open. I remember before I complete surrender my li...


 God is great What a mighty God we serve. He is faithful and his mercy endures forever.  When your complete trust is in the Lord, nothing or no one can stop your blessings. There are times you have to trust and believe in the Lord despite all that you see. God is not a man to promise and not fulfill. He will do what he promises because his word cannot return to him void. Yes, things might tarry, but, if you trust in him, everything that he has promises to you will come to past. There are times we tend to think that our situation is hopeless. That there is no way God can restore our problems and all is lost. But the devil is a liar, in Jesus name. When we look at the story of Lazarus, he was death for four day before the Lord called him out of his grave.  When Jesus arrived at Lazarus home, he sister Martha said to the Lord that she believe her brother will rise again. But little that she knew he was going to rise that very day Jesus showed up. (Read complete stor...


Amazing Surrender all to Jesus.... How great is our God. He is amazing and he never fails to help those whose trust is in him.  Glory is to his name, for he is awesome and magnificent. God is always God. He is mighty and he loves us despite our faults and needs. As your faith becomes grounded in the word of God, never stop trusting in him. Despite how things look, how you feel, you must put your spirit into subjection and let your soul give praises to the Lord for he is good. The word of God say, “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer” (Psalm 19:14). Amen. Sometime all you can do is worship the Lord in spirit and in truth. When you are a faithful worshiper God always make away in your life despite how things looks on the outside. Whatever you are facing, don’t and don’t give up your faith.  Hold on to it because that’s what will see you through. Today take some time, and let th...


 Set Free Worry not, give it to Jesus..... It’s a new year and a new season. And we me set our expectation higher than before. We must recognize that there is power in the name of Jesus to break every yoke and every chain of bondage.  When you begin to trust in the Lord, you see obstacles trying to arise. But you must recognize that your obstacles are not above you. Rather you are above those obstacles and you have the power given to you by Jesus to speak to those mountains and they will be moved. Don’t allow negative thinking or believe distort your trust to believe in God. There is none like him. Yes there are times you will be tested, but let it be rooted in your heart that God never changes but he stay the same, yesterday, today and forever more! Sometimes if I don’t stop the negative thought of the enemy from bombarding my thoughts I end up in trouble. It’s not always easy because they enemy tries to sneak up and he tries to make me worry when there is no need....


 Trust Trust in the Lord, at all times..... Welcome into a new year and a new season. Yes, God has allowed many of us to see another day and another new year. Praises be to his Holy Name. God is God and he never stops loving us despite our faults and needs. The question we must answer is, are we putting God in everything we do? Are we acknowledging him and trusting that he is always with us despite not receiving that which we need on our own time. God loves us and he always does what's best for us. He works on his timing and not ours, and many times because we didn't see our blessings, we tend to blame God. No my friends, the problem is not with God but with us. We must be aware that we are not in control of our own destiny but he is. That’s if you are trust in him and allowing him to direct your path. We must come to the understanding that God does not give to us what we want when we think we want it. But rather when he sees fits and knows we are ready. For we are s...

Happy New Year
