
Showing posts from February, 2014

Full Speed

 Moving Trust in the Lord... “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct[a] your paths”( Proverbs 3:5-6). It’s so amazing, when God is in control of your life. Things moves much smoother and sometimes faster. We are nothing without him. He is our Father and he always takes care of the needs of those he loves. God is truly amazing. He is a father to the fatherless. He is a mother to the mother-less. He is a brother to brother-less, and sister to sister-less. Whatever you’re needs are, recognize he is the answer to all of it! God does not require much from us. He wants us to acknowledge him in everything we do. Communicate with him daily and a heart which is open to accept him. How have things been in your life lately? Are you going forward or you like the children of Israel, who was go around and around in the wilderness?  If you find that nothing is going the way you expe...


Pray God bless our families..... As much as God wants to bless us, he wants us to bless and save our family as well. All good things come from God, and that includes our family. Yes, our families even thought you might not think so, God does. Each of us is in the correct family for reason, and it’s our responsibility as Believers of and in Jesus to pray for them.  Don’t look at their faults. Don’t look at their mistakes, but look beyond it and pray for them daily. Just as God didn't give up on us, so must we never give up on our families. We must pray for them every day. We must ask the Lord to send his angles, to fight and protect them at all times. Regardless, if they are your favorite or not lift them up daily before the Lord, so that he may save them just as he save you and I. In the book of Joshua, he said, “ 5 And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were o...

Only Trust

 Believe Trust in the Lord, at ALL TIMES..... “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct[a] your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6). What a mighty and awesome God we serve. One who sits above and watches below. One who is willing to care for the folks of his pastures, Jesus is his name. My friend, nothing is over, until God say so. Remember Jesus Christ die and he rose again so that you will have life, you may choose life and life it to the fullest with him. As I sit and think about my life and I see where God has brought me through, I know without him, I would not be here. When you place your life in his hands, he is sure to take care of you. When you completely surrender all to Jesus, he will do his part and make every crocked areas in your life straight. It  doesn't  matter your condition today, be honest with Jesus and watch him be honest with you. Trusting Jesus ...


Jesus, is my friend .....  Jesus What a friend we have in Jesus, is found to be very true when your complete trust is in him. Therefore there is none like him and none that can compare to him. He listens and he is always there to carry all your burdens. He guides and protects those he loves. What better friend can you ask for? He never says no, but will correct you, when he sees fit. For only one who truly loves bring correction to those he loves. I don’t know about you, but I intend to let Jesus be in control of my life. For I recognize, that I am nothing without him and I cannot have life and live it abundantly without him. I thank God that he has paid the price for you and me at the cross, and he was raised to continue perform miracles in our lives. He uses the silly things of this world to confide the wise. My friend there is no better friend or buddy like Jesus. To see God in his glory, you must first acknowledge him and believe that he is the Son, of God. You m...


 God Will Jesus, is the ANSWER... God is amazing and he never seizes, to stop loving us or providing for us. His love and mercies, endures forever. As I desire more and more to trust in Jesus, I sometime find myself being frustrated. Not with him, but with myself. There are times, I feel like am not doing enough or my mind go back to something I did wrong and I get upset. And even though I pray about it, I have to let it go and let God. Yes, sometimes it easier said than done, but when you trust God with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding, everything works out well. For past several weeks, I have been praying and asking the Lord, to give me strength to keep trust in him despite, what I see. We all go through periods of a little doubt or feeling alone. If you haven’t felt that way you might one day. Nevertheless, you must NEVER through away your confidence to trust in the Lord. There are times, when I begin to look around and see the wicked succeeding, ...


 Jesus Trust in the Lord, at all times... Sometimes, in life we forget where the Lord our God had brought us out of. As I mediate on Hebrew 10:35-37, “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For in just a little while, he who is coming will come and will not delay.” I thought to myself, how many times we are in a battles or struggles and we ever so often want to give up. May it be a situation in our family, marriage, job, health, finances, etc. we must trust in the Lord. I discover it is not the time to give up or give into the enemy’s traps and tricks. For it is better to put, and hold your trust in God. For He, is the only one who sit above and watches below.  You have to encourage you self and ask the Lord for strength on a daily basic to overcome the situation(s). Whatever you do, know that God will never leave you or forsake you...


 Keep it REAL... God looks at our heart.. There is no freedom, like the freedom you receive from Christ Jesus. Have you ever notice when God is in control of your life that you can always face the trials and tribulations that comes your way. For no weapons, big or small forming against you shall prosper, in Jesus name.   Each of us has our own faith. Some are like mustard seeds and some like apple seeds. It’s doesn't matter the size. What matters is your faith to trust in the Lord despite everything that is happening around you. Despite the setback, despite the fiery darts, despite not receiving that which you think you need right away. God doesn't look at our outward appearance and how religious we are to bless us. No he looks at our heart. He looks at our faithfulness. He looks at our obedience to follow his instruction and our commitments to allow him to be in control of everything we have and everything we do. He wants full access of us. Yes, and event though...


Knock Hold on to Jesus... Realization is a type of excuses. It is used to explain the why NOTS. But when you are a child of God there is no room to rationalize your situations. It is either yes or no.  However, too often many of us give up when we have try without any success. But we need to ask ourselves, how hard we are trying. Let’s look at the bible passages in Mathew 7:7, which states , “Keep asking, and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking, and the door will be opened for you”. Simple right, not really, because how many of you have been seeking can’t find, knocking, and the door seems not to open.  As I meditate on the word, with the Lord, he said the problem is not with the knocking, asking or seeking, but the person ability to keep knocking, seeking and asking HIM to navigate them through the situation. When you have a big tree to cut down, does one hit bring it down, or do you have to keep hitting it, until it falls down...

Be Patient

Trust Jesus, is your ANSWER... We all want to be blessed and we all want more in life. The question is how do we get more? Well we can always get more when God is in our lives and he is in control of everything we do. God promises never to leave us or forsake us. Nevertheless, there are times when we question where he is. But know he is always with you. He is the God in good times and bad times. He is the God of the valley and the mountain. He is the God of today, tomorrow and every day after. As you are being patient on the Lord, don’t give up or give in to the pressure of your trials. Rather pray fast and wait in expectancy. Trust that God has never fail and he will not fail now. There is no one who can help you like Jesus. Sometimes as you wait you have to encourage yourself and spirit with the word of God. You have to be remind yourself, of whom you are and whom you belong too. Look this is what the Lord say, “…“ Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he...


God's Love Today many want to know if they are loved. But the question that needs to be answered is whose love are you looking for? The message for today is simple, how do you get love, when you don’t know what is true love is? Love is not something or someone who only remembers you on one day, but daily. Don’t get caught up in spending what you don’t have to prove your love to anyone. First, you must love yourself. The best love to give anyone is Christ love. We all know of the Bible verse, that say Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Yes that's true love. When Jesus loves you, it means a lot. His love never fades, it never hurts, it never turns its' back on you during hard and difficult times and it never talk bad about you. But always loves you. Yes, we all like to receive and give presents, but make sure what you are giving is from your heart. If Christ is in your heart, then give him. Word for today is, what does love means to you? I lea...


Jesus Jesus is your answer...... It’s so wonderful, when your hope is in the Lord, because you know that you are never alone.  When you are standing on the Solid Rock, Jesus Christ you don’t have to fear what is coming against you. You don’t have to panic and question why anything negative is coming your way. Rather, you just pray and worship and watch how God defeat your enemies.  Every good thing comes from God. But in order to receiving your blessings you sometimes have to go into the enemy camp and recovery it. Nothing good comes without any fight. Nothing comes to you, just like that. There are times you have to be persistence, you have to be determined. You have set your face and mind like a flint not to move, but, to look straight ahead. The enemy might try to knock you down, but you must get back up and keep moving forward. You must be like an express train, only stopping at you desire destination. Everything that looks impossible will become possible when...

Stay Focus

Heart God looks at our heart... . Today we read many articles on how we can cleanse our body and look good. But even when you have tried all these formula, how many people can raise their hands and say the feel better? Most of the time, many people body looks great, and yet when you hear the things that come out of their mouth you can be surprised. You soon realize that all is not so well after all, with them. Let me say, none of us is perfect, but we serve a God, who is. And we must try our best to exemplify him through our daily action. What are you saying about yourself, family and problems? Does it line up with the word of God? Are speaking the things that are not as though they were? If not check yourself. The word of God said,  “ Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will” (Romans 12:2).  Amen.  And in another...


Fresh Water Drink from God's fountain.... Everyone wants to drink sweet water. But, the word of God says, drink from your own well. Stop desiring other people properties. In these present days, many marriages are falling apart because people feel as though they cannot work out their situations. Someone people look to the other side, because they think the grass is greener, but soon finds out, it is not. The so call green grass on the other side, says, well "I don’t mind". Seriously! My mom, and I were talking, when she said something very powerful.  While, on her vacation a man approach and informs her, that he likes her. She said “I am not a fool, he has his wife. Why should I be his servant, to serve, him, his meals? “I thought about it and I discover that, is so TRUE. How many people are servants? Why allow yourself to be a door mate. For it is true, he has a wife and she has a husband. Yes, David, a man after God's heart, cheated with Bathsheba, b...


 The Lord Speak the word of God.... Where does believe begin? It begins in your mind, that's why Christ said we are transformed by the renewing of our mind. It is your believe that would help you to overcome. What you believe in, that’s what will make or break you. Whatever you feed your mind that’s what you will become. Suppose you believe you are rich then you will become rich. Why? Because you will try to find ways in which you can make yourself wealthy. Do you agree or not? It is the same with the Lord, that’s why he said it is impossible to please him without faith. You may ask what faith is. Well faith is your believe to trust in him to bring you out of your problems. Let’s look at the bible passage in Romans 4:17 which states, “ As it is written: "I have made you a father of many nations." He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed--the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were”.   Let us look at the ...


        I have Christ Trust in and on the word of God.... Many of us have heard the expression “you must be in it, to win it". But how true is it. Mainly, it is used for those who are playing lotto, a dollar and a dream. But seriously, how many of you can actually say you won. Let's examine, when they say $1.5 million drawing and $2 million people play one dollar. What is the lotto company losing when everyone play? Is like putting your money into a big pot, hoping your number will get pick and it never does. When we hear, “in it, to win it” for Christ Jesus, it does not go over so well in some people lives. But truth be told, it is better because with God you must be in Him to WIN. For He said the thoughts thinks toward us is good. To be in Him you must give your complete life. Not one foot in, and the other one out, Period! For His words says, You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in...


Standing God is with you, ALWAYS... How often do you feel like quitting? But your faith to trust in the Great I Am keeps you going. For those who truly trust in the Lord, know that nothing forming against you will prosper.  Sometimes the pressure makes me want to give up. But I tell you when God is for you; know that He is for you. Don’t let the storms of today make you be afraid to stand on the promises of God. God is faithful and we must be faithful to him, by keeping our faith alive, trusting that he will make away. He is always with us in good times and bad time. Acknowledging that he is, the God of the valley and God of the mountains and he never changes. There are times, when we have to stand still, but the stillness can feel like forever. Know that God is working. As you are waiting, keep your eyes on Him. Keep praying, keep on believing and trusting. Despite all the attacks, that is coming your way! Don’t leave your position, and lean not to your own understandin...

Open Mouth

 Seasons God loves you..... There are time and place for everything. The word of God said, “ to everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven:2 A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to pluck up what is planted,3 A time to kill and a time to heal, a time to break down and a time to build up,4 A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,5 A time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,6 A time to get and a time to lose, a time to keep and a time to cast away,7 A time to rend and a time to sew, a time to keep silence and a time to speak,8 A time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). Amen. Now we must recognize what season we are in when we are expecting a breakthrough. We must know when it time to fast and time to pray and time to let our request be known unto the Lor...

Expectancy February

 Believe “"Return to the stronghold, You prisoners of hope. Even today I declare that I will restore double to you" (Zechariah 9:12) Yes, this is still the year of expectancy. Yes we are two month in and if you have seen your blessings as yet, still prepare to receive it. Remember God is not a man to promises and not fulfill. He is faithful and never stop blessings those whose trust are in him. God instruct us to write our blessings downs and thou it may tarry it will comes to pass. What are you trust in the Lord to do in your life? Is it to be kinder, is it to prosper, and is it to have good health, better relationship with family, better job, loving children or spouse? Whatever it is don’t stop trusting in him, know that his words cannot go back to him void, it MUST accomplish its purpose. This year my Bishop proclaims it’s the year of expansion, I receive it over my life and over the lives of every person who read my blogs, for my friends, family members, neig...

Hold On

 Changes God is ALWAYS faithful.... “There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil(Job 1:1) When you are facing any trials, what do you do after you have done all you can do? Well you hold on to your faith. You hold to your belief, knowing that God will deliver. Sometimes, you mind, you whole body can be feel likes it being bombarded with negative things. You try your best to ignore it. You plea the blood of Jesus, yet you are feeling tired and weary, but guess what? Hold on changes is coming. God is coming to your rescue. Don’t give in and don’t give up. As I think of Job, he probably was frustrated, because he trusts in the Lord. Yet everything he had was lot. His family, his wife, his possessions, nevertheless, he never lost his faith to trust in Jesus. Maybe in his darkness moments, all he can do is meditate on the word of God. Maybe he sang worship songs the whole time, may...