
 Keep it REAL...
God looks at our heart..

There is no freedom, like the freedom you receive from Christ Jesus. Have you ever notice when God is in control of your life that you can always face the trials and tribulations that comes your way. For no weapons, big or small forming against you shall prosper, in Jesus name.  Each of us has our own faith. Some are like mustard seeds and some like apple seeds. It’s doesn't matter the size. What matters is your faith to trust in the Lord despite everything that is happening around you.

Despite the setback, despite the fiery darts, despite not receiving that which you think you need right away. God doesn't look at our outward appearance and how religious we are to bless us. No he looks at our heart. He looks at our faithfulness. He looks at our obedience to follow his instruction and our commitments to allow him to be in control of everything we have and everything we do. He wants full access of us. Yes, and event thought you might say that all good it could be sometimes hard.

But I must say don’t try to reason with God. Just do what he says and surrender all to him and you will see changes in your life. You cannot serve him with one foot in and the other out. No, it either you are for him or you not. Of course don’t feel you have to be perfect, because none of us is perfect, including me. He is the only perfect one. Instead, he loves each of the same but he wants us to be responsible and honest with him.

Honest when we fail and not fail. Honest when we need help to stop doing the things that are not of him. Honest to change some of our negative behaviors. Just, pure honesty with ourselves and him. When we keep it real, with Jesus, he keeps it real with us. Despite him knowing each of us before we were formed in our mother’s womb, he wants us to communicate and talk to him daily about what’s going on and what we need help with him. Not just only communicate but to be obedient to his will and his ways.

Look they are many things; I still struggle with in my own life. But that does not stop me from speaking to Jesus or asking him to help me in areas that I am not so good in. Nevertheless, God doesn't reject or criticize me, I am a work in progress, As a matter of fact we are all work in progress. For he is the Potter and we are the clay, and when you are in the Potter hands, he will always work on you to bring the best out of you. David was a man after God owns heart, yet he did many wrongs. Nevertheless he said, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.11 Do not cast me away from Your presence, And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.12 Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, And uphold me by Your generous Spirit.13 Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, And sinners shall be converted to You (Psalm 51:10-13). Amen.  Wow, if David can address his wrongs and ask God for forgiveness, and for him no to take his Holy Spirit from him. What about you and me, who are better, off today than David in a sense that Jesus lives in us and we can access to him anytime and where.

My friends, God has paid the price for us to live in freedom. We must have faith to trust in him despite what we see or think. We must acknowledge our wrong doings and ask for forgiveness, when we are wrong. We can also ask for help in areas that we need improvements. God doesn't care how much we do to impress others, but he looks at our heart. He looks at our sincerity to be obedient to him and to allow him to direct us. Don’t be discourage because you have done wrong, rather run into the arms of God and seek his forgiveness, his guidance and be obedient to his will. Today make time and speak to the Lord and be honest with him and watch him make the changes you desire. Be Blessed.


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