Expectancy February

“"Return to the stronghold, You prisoners of hope. Even today I declare that I will restore double to you" (Zechariah 9:12)

Yes, this is still the year of expectancy. Yes we are two month in and if you have seen your blessings as yet, still prepare to receive it. Remember God is not a man to promises and not fulfill. He is faithful and never stop blessings those whose trust are in him. God instruct us to write our blessings downs and thou it may tarry it will comes to pass. What are you trust in the Lord to do in your life? Is it to be kinder, is it to prosper, and is it to have good health, better relationship with family, better job, loving children or spouse? Whatever it is don’t stop trusting in him, know that his words cannot go back to him void, it MUST accomplish its purpose.

This year my Bishop proclaims it’s the year of expansion, I receive it over my life and over the lives of every person who read my blogs, for my friends, family members, neighbors, coworker etc. Now, because I believe and receive it for many, I believe God will bless. But it doesn't mean they will receive it. You see my friends, God only bless us according to our own belief to trust in him. What we believe is that what we will receive. However, I would love to believe that many people are looking to grow; they are looking to expand more than last year in each and every area of their lives.

The question is do you believe God is able to bless you, regardless of your circumstances? Do you believe he looks beyond your faults and see your needs? Do you believe there is power in the blood of Jesus to break every chain in your life? Do you believe he can save your marriage, home family, etc.? Whatever your situations are, you better believe that Jesus is your ANSWER. Point BLANK!!!!! There is no other name above the name of Jesus. The word of God said faith is the evident of things not yet seen but things hope for. Amen. Well in order to receive my friends and readers, you MUST believe in and on the name of Jesus.

Whatever you are facing today, I encourage you to stand on the promises of God. Be strong and courageous and know God is always with you. Trust that he will never leave you or forsake you but he is holding your hands. Be of good spirit and know if God is for you who can be against you. Be in the spirit of expectancy and expect a miracle today, according to your believe to trust in the Lord. Be blessed and know God is able to bless you.

 If you need prayers, just call on the name of Jesus. I encourage you to visit my church website and be blessed. http://www.restorationtime.com


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