I have Christ
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Trust in and on the word of God.... |
Many of us have heard the expression “you must be in
it, to win it". But how true is it. Mainly, it is used for those who are
playing lotto, a dollar and a dream. But seriously, how many of you can
actually say you won. Let's examine, when they say $1.5 million drawing and $2
million people play one dollar. What is the lotto company losing when everyone
play? Is like putting your money into a big pot, hoping your number will get
pick and it never does.
When we hear, “in it, to win it” for Christ Jesus,
it does not go over so well in some people lives. But truth be told, it is
better because with God you must be in Him to WIN. For He said the thoughts
thinks toward us is good. To be in Him you must give your complete life. Not
one foot in, and the other one out, Period! For His words says, You
shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or
on the earth beneath or in the waters below.
You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your
God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the
third and fourth generation of those who hate me (Exodus 20:4-5).
Now examine yourself and see if you are in the
correct place to be in it, to win it. To
trust in the Lord you must be obedient to Him. Ask yourself this, have you ever
given to God and not received? So why is it so hard to be obedient to His will
for you? He say to love and you say let me choose. And the list goes on and on.
I am not here to put anyone down because the word of God says we all have
sinned and fall short of His glory. But ask yourself, which in it; to win it,
do you want to be in? For with Christ, it is free for all, who truly trust in
Him. Don’t be fooled by gimmicks or
wants to be. Rather be steadfast in the Lord Jesus for with him you will never lose
any battles.
Search today and know Jesus is the only answer. Don’t
try to win and gain in life the way man does, but chose to win in Christ Jesus.
We all want to excel but how we all do it is a different story. As for me, I have
Christ Jesus and there is nothing, I rather have more than Him. For I know I am
hopeless and lost without him. But because I need and acknowledge him daily, I can
always face the trials of today and that which is to come because I know he
holds my future in his hands. Don’t go chasing after things but seek the
presence of God and receive peace, love, joy, happiness, and everything that
you need to satisfy all your needs. Most important know when God is for you who
can be against you. Nothing is going to prosper, because you are under the
Almighty God, Jesus who promises to take care of you always. Be blessed.
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