
Image result for rescue
Jesus will ALWAYS rescue you!
Our God is awesome and even in your darkest moments; you need to trust in him. Rest assured that he is not a God to promise and not fulfill, but he is faithful to those who are faithful to him. The key to receiving and seeing God’s glory in your life is to have confidence in Him. To know that he is working out your situation and you will have the victory.

Sometimes, in life we forget where the Lord our God had brought us out of.  But when you sit and remember what he has done, you know that it’s only because of Him you can face today, and tomorrow. As I meditate on Hebrew 10:35-37, “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For in just a little while, he who is coming will come and will not delay.” Amen. You can see God is coming to your rescue and he will not delay.

When in doubt, remember your previous victory. Remember what God brought you out of. Remember his promises never to leave you or to forsake you. Remember God is always in control. Remember who you are and whom you belong too. Remember God is God. My friends recognize that God has your back and he will protect you ALWAYS! Do you trust in him? Be confident in him and he will make the impossible, possible for you. Be blessed.


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