Elevate The word of God, has power..... When you are grounded in the word of God, nothing will affect you. It’s not just good enough to hear the word of God from others. It is better when you know, it for yourself. Let’s suppose you want to run a race, would you practice daily or would you just sit back and when it is time, to race you run? Of course not! You will do what you have to do to get yourself in shape for the race. You will eat healthier, walk, etc. Nevertheless, you are expecting to succeed, because you have put in the work. Now let us look at our spiritual life. Suppose you are in conflicts, what will you do? Would you run to a friend, Pastor,or therapy? Maybe or maybe not! However, when you are grounded in the word, you will run directly to Christ Jesus, because he has all the answers you need. But you cannot run to him unless, you are trained to know, who he is. How do you become trained? You become trained by spending time in His word. Paul said, “25 ev...