
Showing posts from April, 2013


Elevate The word of God, has power..... When you are grounded in the word of God, nothing will affect you. It’s not just good enough to hear the word of God from others. It is better when you know, it for yourself. Let’s suppose you want to run a race, would you practice daily or would you just sit back and when it is time, to race you run? Of course not! You will do what you have to do to get yourself in shape for the race. You will eat healthier, walk, etc. Nevertheless, you are expecting to succeed, because you have put in the work. Now let us look at our spiritual life. Suppose you are in conflicts, what will you do? Would you run to a friend, Pastor,or therapy? Maybe or maybe not! However, when you are grounded in the word, you will run directly to Christ Jesus, because he has all the answers you need. But you cannot run to him unless, you are trained to know, who he is. How do you become trained? You become trained by spending time in His word. Paul said, “25 ev...


Work Out Lord, please help me…. It is important to have a healthy body and mind. For some of us, we always keep our spiritual life healthy and our physical body is lacking. It can be vice versa. Nevertheless, in order to keep our sanity it is important that we find balance. For those of us, who are in Christ Jesus, we know he is our balancer. Well, let me tell you, lately I have been slacking in physical strength. I was not taking care of myself, like I suppose too. So as I look it the mirror, I ask myself who are you? Only to discover, it is me, but not “the me”, I want to be (lol).  So I decide that I will take my bike out and ride for 20 minutes each day. Ten in morning and ten in evening, sound easy, but let me tell you, in the begin it is hard. However, overtime I am expecting it to get easy. Likewise, when you are lacking in your spiritual life, you have to make time and get into the word.  When someone tells you what the word said, you will not just t...


Stay Strong  Christ invite you, to dine with him….  In order to achieve life success, you must stay strong in the Lord. It’s impossible for you to elevate in this life without Christ. The Bible teaches us that we are renewed, by the transformation of our mind. Which simply mean, that even though we live in a word that is corrupted, we are not a part of its, wickedness. Our physical body is here, but our spiritual mind (mental) is in Christ Jesus at all times.  Living a live for Christ is awesome. There are times when, the path seems to be difficult, but when your trust is in him, alone , nothing forming against you will prosper. It is enhancing to know that he always has your best interest because he takes care of his creation. He reminds us daily that he will never leave us or forsake us. Whether it’s in good times or bad times he is always there. And that’s why it is important that we spend time getting to know him for who he is, and NOT what he can do. ...

In the Midst..

Worship  Let your trust be in God.... It is in the midst of your trials, you should worship. Sometimes, when you are feeling down and out, do not let it get to you. Instead, find a song and sing it to the Lord. There are times, when you have to pray, and uplift your spirit. When no one is around, recognize and be aware that God is always around. We must remember that the enemy never takes any rest, and we must be vigilant at all times. Nevertheless, there are times when our physical strength feels low, and that’s when we must put our trust and hope in the Lord, because he is our strength and refugee in times of trouble. Take heed, that all you want to accomplish, you CANNOT accomplish it, in your own strength. The enemy will wear you out! However, when God is your strength, and your hope is in him, NOTHING will take you out! Maybe you are facing some impossible situation, where you feel that you will not come out. But let me tell you, the God we trust in, will b...

Who are you looking at

Eyes Do you see, Christ?................   “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4  How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?  5  You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.(Mathew 7:3). As I re-mediate on this verse, it is very powerful. For it is very true, that we can be this person. In addition, at the same time other people have this problem.  The bible teaches us that we should live in peace and harmony, especially, if it depends on us. Nevertheless, there are times when you are really trying to live in peace, but the oppressor always seems, to present himself and want to take you back down memory lane. And that’s when you have to give it to Jesus. Have ever being around others whether, it ...

Under Control

Stillness Be still, and let God do his job... We all have fought many battles, and the Lord has brought us through safety. Then as you overcome one, here comes another. But only this time, it seems like an impossible conflict to get out off. But the devil is a liar.  We must remember that just as God, brought us through the others, he will bring us out, of this one too, in Jesus name. Amen. In fact, you have already won this battle. It’s just a stepping stone for you to get to the next level, to your victory. Each time the Lord gives you victory in your situation, it elevates you to higher ground.  When you are standing on the solid rock and you know the power you have NOTHING cannot stand in your way! Therefore, this situation that seems to present its ugly face, is under your feet because of the Rock, Jesus who has already, crush it. It is in the stillness, that we can truly get focus and we must put our entire trust in the Lord, knowing that he is in contr...


Healing The best healing comes from God….  There is no healing like the healing that comes from Jesus. Everyday our body and mind are subject to sickness. However, when you are a child of God, diseases or sickness has no power of over you. Sickness can be in anything. Not just physical, but spiritual. It can be in your family, health, anything that is not working the ways it supposed to work in your life. Nevertheless, the best physician is Jesus. He can heal and fix all things at any time. That’s why he said to call the things that are not as though they are. When you sick, say you are healed, when you poor, say you are rich. Why do we do theses thing? Because we know that there is life and death in our tongues. The most important thing is that we call on his name, the name above all names, Jesus . Today, you might be facing some challenges. It doesn’t matter where these challenges are hidden, Jesus power can rescue and bring all that is dead in your life back to l...


Rejoice God is faithful...... It’s amazing when the Lord’s blessing is all over you. Many times when we put up a good fight, we are sure to have the victory. However, there are times when God has blessed you and the enemy tries to make you feel as though you didn’t deserve it. But the devil is a liar from the pits, of hell.  When you have come to the end of your journey to enter, into your promise land flowing with milk and honey, just rejoice. Have you ever prayed and waited for something. You planted a seed, you prayed, you waited in faith and the Lord begins to created opportunity for you and you feel like you don’t deserve it? If so, the answer is YES , you deserve all of it, because it’s yours. When you are faithful to God and you have waited until the appointed time, the devil tries to sneak in and make you feel like it’s wrong. Of course everything good, coming your way from God, is always GOOD. It’s that stinker, who tries to tell you it’s bad, because he...


Perfect Perfectness is in the eyes of God… Everyone is perfect in his or her own way.  We all do things in way, we each feels is good. However, what we may thing is good, another find faults. Or we ourselves, sometimes thinks we do things better than someone else. Our eyes are quick to find faults and point out the mistakes of others. Yet, we cannot see our own faults. However, we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. For it is a fact, that none of us is perfect, it is ONLY God, who is, the perfect man. He is blameless and spotless. We can try our best to do thing the correct way, yet there will always be mistakes. When you are rigid, and believe that everything has to be your way or the highway. Then, you will be on that highway by yourself. In order for God to use us, we must decrease, so that he may increase. We have to get rid of our ways and allow him to use us, where he sees fits. If you only see thing through a “tunnel vision” of your eyes, th...


Love “In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another”. (1 John 4:9-11). Amen Every daily, we read about how much God loves you. Every day he protects us from seen and unseen danger.  Daily he sends his angles to watch guard over our families, friends and self. Day, after day and night after night, he never leaves us or forsake us.  He always has our best interest. And that’s why it important that we have lines of communication open with him. It is impossible to say, we love God and don’t spend any time with him. It becomes like you saying you love a person, and yet you never do anything for them. Christ does not require much from us. But to truly loves and walk with him, it is essential that we give up...

No Effect

Journey Follow Christ, the Leader... The journey is beautiful, even though at times, it seems difficult. It is worth being freed. It’s a blessing when you know who you are and whom you belong too. Trials and tribulations may come your way but, it has no effect on you. Yes, NO EFFECT on you because you are a child of God and he always takes care of his children. Despite, what your physical eyes are seeing, be encouraged and be empowered because no weapons forming against shall prosper. Sometimes, when you are fighting a battle, the journey seems like it is forever. But know that there is always an exit, when you are in Christ Jesus. Every situation has an entrance but, once you are obedient and faithful to Jesus, with a certainty there’s an exit. To find your exit, you must push, fight, fast, pray, do what you need to do and God will do the rest. Nevertheless, you will find your exit. Yes you might be weary and frustrated, but, push and keep trusting in the Lord, a lit...


Blockage Follow the Lord's instruction and not your own.. .. Blockage is when a person is unable to accomplish a task because of obstacles in their way. For example, if you are a driver, you know how frustrating it can become, when there are roadblocks and it is also a construction zone site. You have to follow the speed limits, and drive with caution. Nevertheless, if you fail to follow the instructions, while driving in can be fatal.  And so it is in the kingdom of God. Instruction, obedience, and wiliness to God, can lead you to many discoveries about yourself and others. However, there are times, when we who are believes find ourselves in many roadblocks, it seems. We are praying fasting, and doing what’s right. Yet, it appears that we are stagnant. But the devil is a liar, in Jesus name. Obedience is one of the key to success. We must be aggressive and fight for what we want.  When God make a promise, it must and will come to pass because he is not a man to pr...


Hope Smiles, there is always a blessing in the pressing .. Daily we are in a fight to do what is right. We are constantly, face with battling our inner man. And we find ourselves asking where God is. But you must believe he is here with you. There are times when we are faced with many struggles, we sometimes, tend to think that God is punishing us. No my friends, God did not save us to punish us. Rest assured that sometimes the enemy tries to block us and other times, the Lord knows that we are not quite ready to receive our blessings. In other words, would you give a baby rice to eat? Of course not! You will give them milk, until they are ready for solid food. Today we have so many things to do. We have to care for our families. We have financial problems. We have health problems. Our friends have problems, Problem, Problem and more Problems. We know that we are faithful to God and his words say that he is faithful to those, who are faithful to him. Nevertheless, we find ...

Be Quiet

Mental Attack Be still and know he is God… When your mind is under a mental attack, it is difficult for you to concentrate. Its best that you try to get focus and just pray, pray, pray and more pray! However, when you are in a spiritual battle and you are crying out to God, for help and you are fighting. I mean really fighting, to the point where you are sweating and your body is revolting, just then the enemy always seems to send someone your way, to frustrate you even more! Does anyone know what I am talking about? Here you are praying deep within your mind against spiritual wickedness and then someone is talking to you and they cannot see, now is not the time to speak with you. What do you do? You ask God for help and you must be mindful of not letting the person receive any of your negative attitudes because you are in a battle. Well, I just had such an experience yesterday. I was in deep prayers in my mind and someone asked me to do something for them. I was so upse...


Order The Lord we serve is a God who is organize, and he is not of confusion. How many of you are currently in some type of problems? Whether it is on your job, school or home, it seems to be some type of conflict. But you must realize these disputes are not of God, for the Lord we serve is a God of order and flow. When Jesus is in your life things will begin to flows, the way he sees fit. Let Jesus flow over your situation…. It’s like when you look at a river, you see the water flowing down stream. And it is so, with Christ Jesus, things always flow nicely. However, there are times when the water is raging. The water represents your situation or problems. It is making noises, to loud for you to handle. Now you find yourself asking, what I am going to do. You ask the Lord, how long should I wait?   Yet it seems, like the Lord is not listening and you are going under. After you take matters in your own hands, you realize he had heard your cry. You will find that you had ...


Patience Be patient, so you can see God's vision for you... Patience is truly divine, when you are waiting on the Lord. The beauty about patience, is when your complete trust is in the Lord, alone you know that he will always rescue you, despite, what your natural eyes is seeing. Sometimes, while waiting the time seems like is not moving and other times it is moving too fast. Nevertheless, God is always on time. Today, I give God praise because he did not give to me, my blessings when I thought I need it. Rather it was on his time. Had I receive my blessings too earlier, I would have missed his true power being manifest in my life. I would be lost in the world without any hope for my future. However, when Christ Jesus is in your live, it is with a certainty that you can always face tomorrow. Can you look back and see how God’s grace has brought you through some situations, you thought was hopeless? As I look back at my old life, I can see, it was God’s grace and mercies ...


Maintenance Let Christ be in your flavor.... Maintenance is an important task when you are in the kingdom of God. When you are a person, who cares about others, it is importance that you maintain your health. Especially, when you are the one who is praying, fasting, and fighting for family members, neighbors or people in general. We all know that we can do everything through Christ Jesus who strengthens us. Nevertheless, it is our responsible to take care of ourselves, by exercising, eating right, and staying spiritually fit for battles. The other day, I was share with a friend how there are times, we who stand in the gap for others and is believing for loved ones can sometimes, forget to take care of ourselves. Not physically, but spiritually.   Here I was finding it difficult to pray and fast for myself. After attending a service at church, it hit me. I was “chill-laxing”, as the kids would say, you relaxing like there is nothing to do. I was acting like I am on "spiri...


Not Complicated Jesus can answer all your questions .. . The body of Christ Jesus is not complicated. That’s why it is important that you know him for yourself. It doesn’t matter what others say, but it matter what he says. The God, I know always reveals himself to you when you ask him. If you don’t invite him in, you will not see him for who is really is. He loving, caring, gentle, sweet, awesome, magnificent, royal, he is above all and all. When you don’t know Jesus and you really want to get to know him, it is important, that you discuss it with him. For he will always direct and lead you to the place he wants you to go. As I was speaking to a young lady, she was excited to say she just started a bible study. However, she expressed concern, because she was told that when you get to heaven, and your loved one didn’t make it, Christ will explains why? I responded that I never heard that because I read the scriptures clearly and it explains the requirement to enter into the k...


Work Place Relax, Jesus is in charge.... How many of you are currently on a job and it seems as though everyone is giving you a hard time? You are polite and courteous, yet you seem to be in the fire . Relax, don’t worry or fret yourself, give it to Jesus. Yesterday, I had an OMG moment. As I reflect back on my previous employment, I used to find myself in many problems. Not with patients but staff members. Many of the times it was the one who had all the “credentials”. You know the one who likes to remind you, of their "credentials". But one great thing, I have come to learn in the kingdom of God, is credentials means nothing, when you lack knowledge and wisdom .  So my life was hell. I had a supervisor who complained all the time, that when I was assigned a case, I always, find a way to solve the client’s problem on my own (of course with God’s help) and didn't seek their guidance. Now, if I know you don’t how to solve a problem, why would I come to you? Duh! ...