
Work Place
Relax, Jesus is in charge....
How many of you are currently on a job and it seems as though everyone is giving you a hard time? You are polite and courteous, yet you seem to be in the fire. Relax, don’t worry or fret yourself, give it to Jesus. Yesterday, I had an OMG moment. As I reflect back on my previous employment, I used to find myself in many problems. Not with patients but staff members. Many of the times it was the one who had all the “credentials”. You know the one who likes to remind you, of their "credentials". But one great thing, I have come to learn in the kingdom of God, is credentials means nothing, when you lack knowledge and wisdom.  So my life was hell. I had a supervisor who complained all the time, that when I was assigned a case, I always, find a way to solve the client’s problem on my own (of course with God’s help) and didn't seek their guidance. Now, if I know you don’t how to solve a problem, why would I come to you? Duh!

So constantly, it seems that I was the problem. The more I prayed the more intense the situation became. Finally, I took a leave of absent. To my amazement, the Lord did scatter all those folks. Why? Because I believe when God anointing is on you and you leave an environment, the light of God will shines where darkness was hiding. Others would soon realize that those who claimed to have it all together, is just water and no substance. As l was going over the rule of a supervisor I learn, you never speak to the supervisor, unless, you are having trouble in several areas. They key is for you to figure out your clients problems and try to solve it. Know when I read that I had my OMG moment, I said no wonder my old supervisor raised hell, when I worked. It was because I was following the rules to practice. My friends when you follow the rules that are written, the enemy will try to cause confusion. But we know that God is not the author of confusion.

You might be on a job today, where the Lord has placed you and the devil is raging war. But stand your ground and be still. As long as you are doing what is right and God is on your side who can be against you? Recognize where there is light, darkness cannot hide. And when you are the light because Christ lives in you, darkness cannot stand before you. The darkness, might try to make you look bad, tell lies on you, and the list goes on. Nevertheless, know that God does not give to you, what you cannot handle. He knows everything before it happens, and he sometimes, places situation in your path for you to pray to him, and he will deliver you out of the mess. This only builds your faith and it reassures you that God is real. 

 The Lord said that we should always follow the law. Especially, when you work, make sure you are following the rules. However, when you are doing the right thing, don’t worry about others. Just as he reveals those who had prosecuted me in the past without a cause, so will he do for you! In fact Romans 13:1-5 states, Obey the government, for God is the one who put it there. All governments have been placed in power by God. 2 So those who refuse to obey the laws of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow. 3 For the authorities do not frighten people who are doing right, but they frighten those who do wrong. So do what they say, and you will get along well. 4 The authorities are sent by God to help you. But if you are doing something wrong, of course you should be afraid, for you will be punished. The authorities are established by God for that very purpose, to punish those who do wrong. 5 So you must obey the government for two reasons: to keep from being punished and to keep a clear conscience.

Amen. Wonderful! When you are obeying all the rules, you are doing what is right before they eyes of God, not men. So as you are doing your best on your job continue to put your trust in the Lord and don’t worry about others. Remember those who are in Christ Jesus, should not worry about any negativity, because we know who we are and who we serve. Instead take the opportunity to prayer to God and let him fight your battle. Be confident that he will never leave you or forsake you.  So as the storms on the job is ragging, rest in God peace.

Be blessed.



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