New Things

God is always doing….
Keep your eyes on the Lord
“Also Your righteousness, O God, is very high, You who have done great things; O God, who is like You?”(Psalm 71:19)

God is always doing a new thing in our life. When God is not in your life, it will be hopeless. It will fill with regrets, sorrows, anger, frustration, envy etc. It is pointless to live a life feeling broke, bust and disgust. Everywhere you turn or go nothing seems to work. But the devil is a liar, in Jesus name. For who God bless no man curse! Point blank!!!!

Many times, we fail to see the goodness and the opportunity God places before us. We can find ourselves too busy worry about what if and what will be, instead of focusing our eyes on Jesus. The devil never fight loser but winners. A thief does not go into any old house to steal. Rather, he stakeouts the house, that he feels will bring him the most possessions and value for his findings. And so my friend it is with us, satan don’t look for loser but winners.

If you find yourself warring against evil, be prepared to battle. Battle in faith knowing that the Lord will never leave you or forsake! Know that right before you victory hell breaks loose, but you MUST stand your ground knowing that you are standing on solid Rock and all other grounds are sinking sand.  Nothing comes easy but to live a fulfilled life you must be determine not to give up or give in. You must be aggressive in your prayers, knowing that you are not leaving God presence the same way you enter. You must rest assured that all is well and if God is for you who can be against you.

Today be encourage. Don’t lose hope and give in to the lies of the enemy. Don’t even listen to yourself, but listen for the Holy Spirit. Rest assured that he will lead you down the path of righteousness. And he is not a man to promise and not fulfill. Let you hope always and forever be in Christ Jesus. Know that if there was an entrance to your storm there must and will be and exit.  Let the presence of the Lord over take and be upon you. Just trust God and see what he can do for you. Be blessed.


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