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God Loves us!
“God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. 10 This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins” (1 John 4:9-10).

To have any type of experience you have to either work in a specific area or be familiar with its process. Most of the time you cannot uses what you have learned in schools or text book as experience. You must be aware of that which you are doing. Now how do you know you have experience with God? Well in my point of view, the only way is to seek him for yourself, seek him for who is really is. That’s to request a miracle, through faith believing and trusting in his words, despite how you feeling, thinking and is seeing.

God loves us unconditionally, that He send his only son Jesus to die and take away our sins, that we may have life and have an opportunity to live life more abundantly. But you cannot experience Christ, if you have not trust or believe in him. It is important to seek him out when you need guidance, or pick up his words and read it to see what it says about you.  God does not show any favoritism. What he has done for one he will do for another. However, he only works through our faith. According to what each of us believe that is what we will receive.

Today you might be facing some difficulties, in your health; family, financial, spouse, job etc. seek God. Get to experience and know him for who he is. Pick up his book, the Holy Bible and read what the pages say about you, his love for you and what he is willing to do for you. Experience his greatness. Experience is forgiveness. Experience is Love. Experience his holiness. Experience all that he has in store for you. Don’t sit and accept the nonsense that is coming your way. Don’t sit and drown in self-pity and hurt. Rather let go and let God. Give it all to him and experience greatness, miracles, changes in all areas of your life and most importantly gain a relationship with God. Be Blessed.


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