Jesus is the ONLY way |
Blessings and GM to all. Welcome to another wonderful day.
My friends, I again I say repentance is the key to your salvation. As I look at
the story of Jesus and his twelve disciple. We know that Peter denied Jesus
three times and then he went into repentance and God was able to work with him.
However, when we look at Judas, instead of seeking repentance for his sins, he
killed himself. My friends, it don’t have to be that way for you. All you need
to do is seek repentance, from the Lord. Confess your sins, and allow Him (Jesus)
to break you down and begin a new thing in your life. People again I say you
cannot serve the Lord with one foot in and one foot out. God is a jealous God.
You must choose today which God you will serve. The word of God say, “But
be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider
what great things he has done for you” (1 Samuel 12:24, NIV). Amen. My
friends, wake up and surrender your life to Christ. It’s the only way to
heaven. Stay bless and have a wonderful day.
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