
Showing posts from October, 2012


Jesus Candy is sweet with no hidden agendas!!!! Tricks To Be Treated Today many people want to celebrate. The question is, what are you celebrating? Do you realize what looks quite, can be the very thing that destroys you. People dress up in costumes and change their looks saying trick or treat. When you think of the word halo, what comes to mind? For me, I thought of something that is empty, but then I look up the meaning and this it was I found, “A circle of light surrounding the head of a saint or holy person”.   Then I look up the word halloween, “The night of October 31, celebrated by children who dress in costume and solicit treats door-to-door”. I thought of the similarity of how evil is always, trying to show, its fake powers. I thought to explore, that maybe someone who  didn't  had friends and had an  empty m entally like satan, came up with this holiday to trick people into thinking, it is fun. I thought of how this pers...


Backpack!!! Here you are walking around with an invisible weight You feel heaviness, but no one can see, it You see a therapist, Yet, they cannot help you You speak, to your family Yet, they don’t see it You speak, to your peers Yet, no reliefs Yes, it is there, that backpack, which weights over a ton. You just cannot see it. But, it exists, and you can feel it.   Daily it speaks, and let you know, it is there. But no worries , today , God is here. He said to see, Me you have to belief. Therefore, it is only, He who has the  POWER, to destroy that heavy invisible backpack(s).   For it is true, in the scripture that says, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,[a] against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12 NKJV) . He said shake your back and call on the name of JESUS . For that which, is invisible with the na...

Sweet Water

Drink Delicious Everyone wants to drink sweet water. But, the word of God says, drink from your own well. Stop  desiring other people properties. In these present days , many marriages are falling apart because people feel as though they cannot work out their situations. Someone people look to the other side, because they think the grass is greener, but soon finds out, it is not. The so call green grass on the other side, says, well "I don’t mind". Seriously! My mom, and I were talking, when she said something very powerful.  While, on her vacation a man approach and informs her, that he likes her. She said “ I am not a fool, he has his wife. Why should I be his servant, to serve, him, his meals? ” I thought about it and I discover that, is so TRUE . How many people are servants? Why allow yourself to be a door mate. For it is true, he has a wife and she has a husband. Yes, David, a man after God's heart, cheated with Beersheba, but he end up having ...


Different is Good Too much of the same personality kills the portrait. Completion, to create a masterpiece begins with differences. All pieces working together to create God’s master piece. Be blessed


 Only Jesus know your future!!!!  BEWARE!!!! Yesterday, as I was preparing this blog. I had firsthand encounter with evil disguising itself to look like Jesus. Because of my relationship with Christ Jesus, I realize it a scam, even before, I read it. For such as reason, we need to be mindful of whom we speak too, what we read, because it is true not everyone who say Lord, Lord, is talking about the one and true living God. This brings me into my topic for today ( look at the end to see the email I received). Today many people are spending thousands of dollars for a reading to find out about their future. Couple of months ago I was fortunate to hear, the definition of BIBLE, which stands for Biblical, Instruction, Before, Leaving, Earth.   God reassure us, in His manual that he would never leave us or forsake us. The question is, why so many people are spending their hard earned money, going to the psychotic, voodoo man, witchcraft worker, etc? JESUS , is your ...

Arising to Love Our Family

AIM: Showing Love In Our Family  We Love Each Other  Aims help us to set goals. Our aim gave us a direction to where we want to go or things we want to accomplish. Our Aim is to arise and love our family. We may ask what that is. To me, Love means to accept a person unconditional despite what they have done. The story of Joseph is love. He was loved by his father Abraham and God approved him to be a dreamer and a provider to his family. How many of us are the blessed one in our family, and either we fail to recognize it. Other times, our family fails to acknowledge it. In the story of Joseph his family failed to acknowledge that he is the appointed one God will use to bless them. They tried to kill him but God did not allow it. Eventually, he became The Prince of Egypt and was able to save and bless his family during a famine. God's Love For Us Many of us have been hurt by our family and still hold on to those feelings today. But God say to forgive and move on....

Court Is In Session

Order of Protection  Where case is being reviewed daily!!!!  Please Stand and state your case before the Honorable, Judge Jesus!!!! Every one of us needs protection. The question is, which protection will you use? Almost every day, we read tragic stories of people dying. It is said that someone people die because they were in abusive relationship, some by accidents and others of natural causes. It doesn’t matter how one dies, but what matter is the Order of Protection that was in placed, at the time of death. For believers, it is Jesus. When he died and rose from the grave, He became our Order of Protection . Why do you think, so many of us have not died as yet? For I discover, when He stamps and seal our protection with the blood, no weapons forming against us shall prosper. Granted and sealed with the BLOOD !!!! The object is to take out many of Jesus’ Order of Protections over your family, friends, children, neighbor, house, finances, health, rel...

What Time is it?

Your Time Is NOW!!!! NOW!!!! Sometimes, as we wait for our blessing, the pressures of life can cause you to lose focus. But, God said there is a season for everything. The object is to keep on your eyes on God and know that your time is sooner that you think.   It is said that when you are about to walk into your blessings, the enemy attacks, get even stronger . For it is true, of the word of God which states , “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places” ( Ephesians 6:12 ). In order words be vigilant because the enemy can uses anyone or anything to bring negative words to get you off track. The object is to bind all the negative words because you know the enemy wants to distract you . His goals is to make sure you don't receive that which the Lord has promised and in some cases already given to you. Neve...

Wisdom Is, To Not Lean On Your Own Understanding

What is Wisdom? It is said that a person who uses wisdom avoid bad situation in which they were once hurt. However, the wisdom of Christ teaches us when faced with a situation to go in boldly knowing that God has already, delivered us.   Once, the man of God, David returned home after a battle, and it appears that he lost everything in his village because everything was burned down. He began to cry and his soldiers, promise to killed him, but when David strengthen himself in The Lord,  God told David to go and recovery all that was stolen. God said when face with goliaths on the battle field, we must go in knowing the battle has already won. In Christ, it is impossible for the same mistake to happen twice because He already paid the price through the cleansing of the blood, which set us free. For I discover, that God can sometime uses our enemy to bless us. The object is to have the wisdom to know, if, it is from God. Nevertheless, we have to power to pray and...

I Can Use You

For the Bad and Ugly Yes, I can use You The definition of the words bad and ugly varies from person to person. They way someone speaks can classify them as “bad”. Sometimes, the way a person dresses can be classified as “ugly”. Every so often, our eyes cause us to look at someone and we say they are bad and ugly. But, I thank God, because He loves everyone. As we are followers of Christ, He wants us to show Love. For, He said, I came into the world so they may know the Truth . When Christ walked the earth, He saw an excellent spirit, within non-believers to trust in Him . That's why; so many miracles were performed and today we even see greater miracles. You do not need to be “ good” to enter into the kingdom of God. All you need is to recognize and acknowledge that Jesus, Christ is the Lord and Savior. Let’s look; at Paul, who was original named Saul, he was bad and ugly. The bible says he killed many people who believe in Jesus. Neverthel...

Friendship in Our Family

 We are Family!!!!   Friend in Our Family Many of us have heard the song that says “ What a friend we have in Jesus ”. But what does it mean to be a friend? According to the English dictionary it defines friend as “ a person one knows, like and trusts ”. If we say, we love God and we never met him, why is it so hard to be a friend to our family? God has given to us. We must first realizes, that someone of us wanted nothing to do with Christ, until we had an encounter with Him. For it is true, of His words, which says no man come on to Me, unless, I called them. The task is to pray for our family and ask God to remove the veil from their eyes, so they too can hear the call. Remember, none of us was born saved. The word of God, said we all have sinned and fall short of his Glory. Let’s look at Rehab she was an outsider. It is said she agreed to hide two of God’s people who was spying out the land. Due to her kind act, she requested  t hat her family and sel...