We Need Love

Human Animals Needs Love (please don’t take out context)

We All Need LOVE

Today, we see lots of people showing love to their pet animals, more than a human animal.
It is said that people love their pet animal because it loves them back. Even though, they don’t talk back. So why can’t we love the one that walks and talks?
We teach parrots to talk

We teach monkeys to sign
We teach dogs to walk the blind
Why can’t we teach each other Love?

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. If God, gave his son, because He loves us, looked beyond our faults and saw our needs. Why do we not love our family, children, friends, colleagues, etc.?

Let's suppose:You are sick in bed and cannot move and in need of a cup of water?
 Who will bring it to you?

 In time of need the human animal will be more likely to help you
Learn to ignore their negative talk and bark and show Love


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