Arising to Love Our Family

AIM: Showing Love In Our Family 
We Love Each Other

Aims help us to set goals. Our aim gave us a direction to where we want to go or things we want to accomplish. Our Aim is to arise and love our family. We may ask what that is. To me, Love means to accept a person unconditional despite what they have done. The story of Joseph is love. He was loved by his father Abraham and God approved him to be a dreamer and a provider to his family.
How many of us are the blessed one in our family, and either we fail to recognize it. Other times, our family fails to acknowledge it. In the story of Joseph his family failed to acknowledge that he is the appointed one God will use to bless them. They tried to kill him but God did not allow it. Eventually, he became The Prince of Egypt and was able to save and bless his family during a famine.
God's Love For Us
Many of us have been hurt by our family and still hold on to those feelings today. But God say to forgive and move on. In the bible it said a man asked Jesus how many times he should forgive his brother, Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times” (Mathew18:22).Lets us ask God how many times we should forgive our family.
Ready, Set, Go.
Lord how many times should we forgive our family? Jesus said as much times as it is need to bring peace, love, and unity.
The word of God said loves cover a multitude of sins. I believe once we can learn how to love our family, God will forgive us, and remember none of our sins no more. Ask yourself this; by you not showing love to your love one aren’t you committing a sin? Loving them does not mean you will not have differences, but to hold it in your heart, can cause heart problems and it's a No, No with God, who gave His only begotten Son, Jesus because he loved us.
You must first love yourself, before you show love. How do I love myself?
1st Allow and let God love you
2nd Acknowledge his love and love yourself.
3rd Extend your love to your family.
Love is what brings our family together
Love is what looks beyond their faults and our faults and
focus on our needs
Love is what God is and He wants us to be
Love is love
And that is that!!!
Prayers: Dear Lord, I thank you for loving me and showing me how to love my family members. May your will be done, in Jesus name. Amen
I leave you with these words, “But I say to you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Mathew 5:44)
My discovery: Love your family and pray for them even though they don’t understand you right now. Be blessed
To be continued……………..


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