Action Plan
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Before going to battle, we must have an action plan. You might ask what that is. Well plans help you to identify strategies on defeating the enemies. But, when you are a child of God you must check-in with him the Commanding Officer, first, before you battle. As I medicate on 1 Chronciles 14:8-17, I was amazed on how King David won all his battles. He always check-in before his battles. How many of us check -in with the Lord before proceeding. Many times we go into the battle, head first, not inquiring if we should go and then ask God “where you are”. Then we asked the Lord, "helped me". Other times after we are defeated we say, “Lord what happen” (I am sometimes guilty). But as Believer in Christ Jesus, we have to allow him to navigate us to victory. Not the other way around!
As I am walking with Christ, I have to constantly remind myself to check-in with him and wait for his instructions. I tell myself, I don't want to move before time. I want to make sure, God is head of me. I have won many battles, for family, friends and myself, because of my obedience to believe and trust in the great I Am, Christ Jesus. I am challenge to not make previous mistakes, or to thinking that because the Lord give me victory in a previous battle one way, that he will do it, the same way again. No that’s not how he works! My goal is to always check-in with him, wait for his instructions, before I proceed.
I love what David did, even though the Lord give him many victories over his enemies, he always check-in with God and asked if he should pursue. “David inquired of God again, and God answered him, “Do not go directly after them, but circle around them and attack them in front of the poplar trees. 15 As soon as you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the poplar trees, move out to battle, because that will mean God has gone out in front of you to strike the Philistine army.” 16 So David did as God commanded him, and they struck down the Philistine army, all the way from Gibeon to Gezer” (1 Chronciles14-16). Isn’t that awesome?
When we check-in with God, he always gives us a different way to fight our battles. Wonderful! Yeah! Praise God. What battle are you faced with today? Is it a family situation, health issues, financial problem? It doesn't matter, give it to God. Check-in before you battle the old way and don't see results. Let him navigate and direct you on how to handle and deal with situation to get your victory. The key: is to follow God’s directions, and instructions. Most importantly be obedient. My prayers are for you to trust in the Lord and know that he Never, Never, Never, lost any battles. Be blessed and check with the Commanding officer, Jesus Christ.
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