Don’t talk defeat to me!!!!!!!!!!!
Having to retrain yourself to do something can be very difficult at times. It’s like when some of us come to Christ we have to get rid of the old and allow God to pour in his new. The Lord tells us that we are transform by the renewing of our minds. Nevertheless, even though we are Believers in Jesus Christ, we have to train our mind, body and soul to line up with the word of God. Is not like you give your life to Christ and immediately you change overnight, no you have to work on being Christ like. To certain extend we are renewed in our mindset set, because of Jesus. But we must remember we are not perfect (I say so to remind myself). Only he is. So because of this we have to seek his presence daily to guide our every foot step.
I now see why when we first come to Christ we are like baby only drinking milk and being feed. But when we begin to absorb and retain his words, we become more and more like him. Now here I am trying to reeducate myself (thought process) by getting rid of my old knowledge skills to learn and grasp new techniques, in my professional field as a counselor. Trying to get rid of the old, to put in new materials can sometimes be difficult due to familiarity. As the phrase said "it is easier said than done". In the world, I might have agreed. But guess what? I am a child of God and he reminds me that there is a difference between those who server him and those who do not.
The word for today is simple: you must do what you have to do to see your double honor. If you have to retrain your thinking to learn new materials, guess what? You better do. For I discover, sometimes the enemy makes you feel as though it is impossible, but the word of God said all things is possible for those who believe. Therefore, start speaking to yourself to get going and start COMMANDING ALL ROAD BLOCKS IN THE NAME OF JESUS TO GO. So here I go, every old thinking of my mindset, that is stop me from prospering and receiving that which God promise me, I COMMAND you to leave, and go in Jesus name. AMEN. Sometimes we got to speak to the problems, just as I did. The word of God said, "Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you” (Mathew 17:20 NAS).What do you need to speak to in your life? I encourage you to start speaking to it. Be blessed and know that if God is for you who can be against you.
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