
For those of us who are in Christ Jesus we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. Make no mistakes that the enemy wouldn't try to bring the old you out. One must be very careful and be mindful of who you are in Christ. Some of us were fighter, dance hall queens and kings, gossipers, back stabbers, thief and the list go on. But when you come to Christ and surrender all you become a new person.
Nevertheless, the enemy always seems to send someone or something from your pass to carry you back down memory lane. Know that the devil is a liar, in Jesus name. When faced with problems and prosecutions, the enemy loves to try and remind you, of whom you used to be. But guess what? That's old news. You need to let him know he has no power over you! Time and time I see people trying to defend their old self when faced with a situation.(I did it before).People say this, they said that, they even say thing you didn't say. But who cares? So long you a know who you are, and whom you belongs too, that what matters.
 As Believers, we must be aware that you will face, trials and tribulations, but remember to be Christ, like. Don't be in a hurry to defend what you already know is not true, but let go and let God. The Lord said the battles are not yours but mines say the Lord (2Chronicles:15). So why worry. I tell you it is easier said than done sometimes, but truth, be told, better you give it to Jesus because he is your vindicator in times of trouble.
 You must learn to uses your delete button, in Jesus name to delete the junk the enemy is sending to you. Just has a computer crashes when it is overload, don't over load yourself about what others, think, say, or feel. Worry and stay focus on with the Lord is saying to you, for he knows exactly, what each of us needs to be in his kingdom. Start to line up your actions, mind, body and soul with goodly thinking. The word of God said "you salt of the earth"(Mathew 5:13).
And it's your job to bring Gods' flavors to others, therefore don’t worry about who is coming, what is saying, who is speaking negativity, but let your light shine, for all to see. If in doubt, check with Jesus and see what he thinks, his opinion is what matters. Believe me he will correct you when you are wrong. So don't try to defend the old you. Be blessed, stay strong and let go and let God take care of you. Delete that which is negative and not of God.  In Jesus name. Amen


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