
Image result for forgive“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John1:9)

The word of God teach us that we must learn how to forgive. Yet it seems like a difficult task. My friends is very hard to forgive people who has hurt us. But we must do so because of Jesus. As I look around I used to get annoyed of people who are not in Christ and how they hurt others but quick to seek forgiveness and make up with person they have hurt. However, my mindset has changed and it has allows me to see that even devilish people knows how to be Christ like. So what about us, who say we are in Christ? We should be quick to forgive one another as Christ forgive us.

I am not saying is easy to forgave but we should pray daily asking God to heal our hurts and teach us how to accept those who seek forgiveness and help us to forgive. Is there someone you need to forgive today? Then go before God and ask Him to give you the strength to forgive.  My friends just as we are forgiven, let us forgave others as well. You can do it.
Be Blessed.


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